Petru S Fodor, Affiliate Professor

People at Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Petru S. Fodor

Associate Professor, Physics

Contact Information:

  • Office Location: SI 115
  • Phone Number: (216) 523-7520
  • Email:
  • Personal Website:


  • B.S., Physics, Babes - Bolyai University, Romania, 1996
  • M.S., Physics, Babes - Bolyai University, Romania, 1997
  • Ph.D., Physics, Wayne State University, Detroit, 2002

Research Interests:

  • Semiconductor Heterostructures and Magnetic Arrays
  • Microfluidic Components

Honors and Awards

  • College of Sciences and Health Professions, Jearl D. Walker Outstanding Teacher Award, 2011
  • Faculty Merit Award for Research and Teaching, Cleveland State University 2008, 2009, 2011.

Classes Frequently Taught

  • PHY 493     Advanced Topics in Physics
  • PHY 221     College Physics I
  • PHY 222     College Physics II
  • PHY 497     Independent Study
  • PHY 320     Intro to Computational Physics
  • PHY 598     Project
  • PHY 593     Special Topics in Physics
  • PHY 241     University Physics I
  • PHY 243     University Physics I (Writing)
  • PHY 242     University Physics II
  • PHY 244     University Physics II (Writing)

Recent Publications (List of publications)


  • P.S. Fodor and T. Peppard, The Physics Teacher 50, 344 (2012) Lenz law demonstration using and ultrasound position sensor.
  • P.S. Fodor and M. Kaufman, Modern Physics Letters B 25, 1111 (2011). The evolution of mixing in the staggered herring bone micromixer.
  • M. Kaufman and P.S. Fodor, Physica A 389, 2951 (2010) Fluid mechanics in rectangular cavities - analytical model and numeric.
  • P.S. Fodor, M. Itomlenskis and M. Kaufman, Europ. Phys. J.: Appl. Phys. 47, 31301(2009) Assessment of mixing in passive microchannels with fractal surface patterning.
  • P.S. Fodor, G. Tsoi, and L.E.Wenger , J. Appl. Phys. 103, 07B713 (2008) Investigation of magnetic interactions in large arrays of magnetic nanowires.
  • P. Irvin, P.S. Fodor, and J. Levy, Optics Express 15, 11756 (2007) Gigahertz optical spin transceiver.
  • P.S. Fodor  and J. Levy, invited topical review, J. Physics: Cond. Matt. 18, S745 (2006) Group IV materials for quantum computation.
  • P.S. Fodor, S. Rothenberger, and J. Levy, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 76, 013103 (2005) 320-channel dual phase lock-in optical spectrometer.
  • P.S. Fodor, H. Zhu, N.G. Patil and J. Levy, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 75, 2971 (2004) Variable temperature scanning optical and force microscope.
  • S.C. Perera, P.S. Fodor, G. Tsoi, L.E.Wenger, and S.L. Brock, Chem. Mater. 15, 4034 (2003) Application of the de-silylation strategies to the preparation of transition metal pnictide nanocrystals: the case of FeP.
  • J.A. Aitken, K.L. Stamm, P.S. Fodor, L.E.Wenger, and S.L. Brock, Abstr. Pap. Am. Chem. Soc. 225, 868-INOR Part 2 (2003) Towards diluted magnetic semiconductor (DMS) phosphides.
  • P.S. Fodor, G. Tsoi, and L.E.Wenger,  J. Appl. Phys. 93, 7035 (2003) Modeling of hysteresis and magnetization curves for hexagonally ordered electrodeposited nanowires.
  • P.S. Fodor, G. Tsoi, and L.E.Wenger,  J. Appl. Phys. 93, 7438 (2003) Zero magnetization states in electrodeposited Co0.45Fe0.55 alloy nanowires.


  • NSF Major Instrumentation Grant, 2011 - 2013, Proposal Title: Acquisition of a field emission scanning electron microscope for multidisciplinary nanotechnology research, Amount awarded $472,113 (PI: P.S. Fodor).
  • Engage Learning, CSU Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement, Summer 2011, Proposal Title: Improving fuel usage in microchannel based fuel cells, Amount awarded $5,665 (PI: P.S. Fodor).
  • Engage Learning, CSU Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement, Summer 2011, Proposal Title: Dynamics of linear polymers in a microchannel, Amount awarded $5,665 (PIs: P.S. Fodor and M. Kaufman).
  • CSU Summer Undergraduate Engaged Learning, Summer 2010, Proposal Title: Fabrication and characterization of micromixers with biomedical applications, Amount awarded $10,830 (PIs: P.S. Fodor and M. Kaufman).
  • General Electric, 2009 - 2010, Experimental coatings deposition, Amount awarded $700 (PI: P.S. Fodor).
  • Research Corporation, Cottrell College Science Awards, 2007 - 2009, Proposal Title: Development and characterization of semiconductor - metal nanostructures fabricated through directed self assembly, Amount awarded $43,582 (PI: P.S. Fodor).
  • Ohio STEM Learning Network, 2009 - 2010, Proposal Title: STEM graduate fellow - amount awarded $14,222. (Co-PI) 



Mailing Address
Cleveland State University, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
2121 Euclid Ave., FH 332
Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2214

Campus Location
Fenn Hall Room 332
1960 East 24th Street
Phone: 216.687.2589
Fax: 216.687.5405