Engineering Technology

Engineering Technology

  • Engineering Technology Department Cleveland State University CSU
  • Engineering technology wrestling cleveland state university csu department ET mechanical electronics

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Two programs are offered: Electronics Engineering Technology & Mechanical Engineering Technology.  The programs lead to the degrees of Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering Technology and Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Technology. 

Coursework is offered in the afternoons and evenings, making our program ideal for working professionals who wish to earn a bachelors degree in engineering. Many of our students are already working in the engineering and design field and wish to advance their careers with a degree from one of our programs.

A Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology graduate is qualified to work in positions requiring the, "application of scientific and engineering knowledge and methods combined with technical skills in support of engineering activities." CSU's Engineering Technology graduates are employed in a diverse range of industries, including, industrial control and automation, aerospace, medical, computer, telecommunications, and defense industries. Most importantly, an Engineering Technology bachelors degree prepares graduates to contribute immediately in these industries.