Sanchita Mal-Sarkar, College Associate Lecturer
People at Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Sanchita Mal-Sarkar
College Associate Lecturer, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Contact Information:
- Office Location: FH224
- Phone Number: (216) 523-7524
- Email:
- Personal Website:
- B.S., Physics (major), Calcutta University, India
- M.S., Physics, Benaras Hindu University (BHU), India
- M.S., Computer Science, University of Windsor, Canada
- Ph.D., Electrical and Computer Engineering, Cleveland State University, 2009
Research Interests:
- Hardware Security and Trust
- Fault-tolerant Networks
- Soft/Granular Computing and Risk Assessment
- Wireless Sensor Networks
Honors and Awards
- Recognized as one of the "Top 10 articles published on risk analysis area since 2006" by BioMedLib: Sikder IU, Mal-Sarkar S, Mal TK. "Knowledge-based Risk Assessment under Uncertainty for Species Invasion", Risk Anal, 26(1):239-52, 2006.
- University Grants Commission National Scholarship, India.
- National Merit Scholarship, India.
Classes Frequently Taught
- CIS 260/500 Intro to Programming
- IST 203 Software Tools
- IST 305 Info Tech for Competitive Adv
- CIS 434 Software Engineering
- CIS 454 Data Communicatn/Comp Networks
- CIS 493 Special Topics in CIS
- CIS 340 Systems Programming
- CIS 540 C/C++ for Systems Programming
- CIS 554 Data Comm Net
Recent Publication
- Mal-Sarkar, S., Sikder, I. U., and Konangi, V. K. 2010, Application of Wireless Sensor Networks in Forest Fire Detection under Uncertainty, IEEE 13th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT 2010), 2010.
- Mal-Sarkar, S., Sikder, I. U., and Konangi, V. K. 2010, Spatio-temporal Template Discovery using Rough Set Theory, IEEE 13th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT 2010), 2010.
- Mal-Sarkar, S., Sikder, I. U., Yu, C., and Konangi, V. K. Uncertainty-aware Wireless Sensor Networks, International Journal of Mobile Communications, Vo. 7, No. 3, page: 330 - 345, 2009.
- Sikder, I. U., Mal-Sarkar, S. and Mal, T. K. Knowledge-based Risk Assessment under Uncertainty for Species Invasion, Risk Analysis. Vol. 26, No. 1, page: 239-252, 2006.
- NSF Tues proposal entitled, "An Integrative Hands-on Approach to Security Education for Undergraduate Students" funded by NSF PI: Sanchita Mal-Sarkar