Big Data and AI Workshop Deemed a Success

The Big Data and AI workshop event was held successfully at the Student Center Ballroom at CSU last Monday. About 200 attendees from major industries and academia in the Data Science and AI fields in the Great Cleveland area were in attendance. Organizations represented included IBM, Progressive, NASA, Rockwell, Medical Mutual, Sherwin Williams, and Case Western Reserve University.
The 250 seats, which were prepared in order to accommodate the expected crowd, could not hold the larger-than-anticipated turnout. The 150 students in attendance filled up the remaining space at this standing-room-only event.
This event provided an opportunity for CSU students to be exposed to research and development (R&D) in the areas of Data Science and AI. It also provided a great opportunity for CSU students to be introduced to the area's industry leaders and connected to their recruiting announcements in these areas.
Dr. Sunnie Chung took the opportunity to introduce all the Data Science programs in the Engineering College at CSU - Advanced Data Science PhD Program, Computer Science PhD Program in Data Science Track, Master of Computer Science in Data Science Focus, and the Bachelor of Data Science Program. Many questions and interests were brought up regarding these programs in the event.

Attendees of the event could recognize the new types of AI and Data Science industries that have been created, and the new
jobs they bring with them. The strong demand for workforces in the Data Science and AI fields were also on display.
Dr. Sunnie Chung would like to extend thanks to the Engineering Dean's office and the Computer Science Dept. for supporting this event, along with Kate in the Computer Science Department who helped with setup.