News & Announcements

Dr. Eric Schearer Awarded NSF REU Site Renewal

Dr. Eric Schearer, an associate professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, has been awarded a three year, $450,000 renewal by the National Science Foundation for RE@CSU, a Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Site at CSU. Dr. Schearer is joined by a group of faculty mentors whose research spans engineering, physical therapy, and exercise physiology to create an immersive program to train undergraduates recruited from around the country in the development of assistive technologies.

RE@CSU researchers will leverage sensing and computing to develop devices and therapy techniques to restore mobility and functional independence to people with reduced movement of their arms or legs. The 10-week program, held during the summer, will welcome student researchers to CSU’s campus to join integrated learning communities that surround REU students with their peers, their mentors, medical professionals, and people with disabilities.

This article was first released in the Office of Research Newsletter, February 2021, Volume 8, Issue 2.

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