Senior Design Capstone


senior design symposium 2024

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2022 Senior Design Project Participants-2

The Senior Design Capstone Course (Senior Design) is the culmination of students’ engineering education at Cleveland State University’s Washkewicz College of Engineering. The two-semester (Fall, Spring) long course gives students the opportunity to incorporate engineering principles learned throughout their academic careers into one final project.


2022 Senior Design Project Participants

Students, with the guidance of a faculty advisor and company liaison, work in teams of three to four to develop solutions to a wide variety of engineering problems. The majority of the projects are real-world problems provided by corporate sponsors. Student teams are required to develop a comprehensive project plan with a problem description, design alternatives, budget, equipment requirements, time schedule, final design, and in most cases, a prototype. Each student is expected to spend up to 200 hours working on the project (up to 1,000 person-hours per team), corresponding to a five-credit-hour course.

Senior Design Symposium and Awards

Senior Design Symposium 2022

The Senior Design Capstone Course typically concludes with the annual Senior Design Symposium and Awards program. The event features a poster presentation, a keynote presentation from an engineering industry leader and concludes with the awarding of cash prizes to the top three Senior Design Projects.