Course Descriptions


EET 201 Fundamentals of Electronics (3-2-4). Prerequisite: EET 205 DC Circuits or a first course in electric circuits analysis.  Pre or corequisite: ESC 120 Introduction to analog and digital electronics, diodes, FET's, BJT's, DC biasing, VI characteristics, single-stage amplifiers, operational amplifiers, active filters, linear and digital IC's, power suppliers and voltage regulators. Return to top

EET 202 Fundamentals of Digital Systems (3-2-4). Prerequisite: None.  Number systems and codes, simple and combinational logic circuits, flip-flops, counters, registers, IC logic families, MSI logic circuits, digital systems using HDL, analog-to-digital (A/D) and digital-to-analog (D/A) converters, memory devices, PLDs, and microprocessors. Return to top

EET 205 DC Circuits (2-2-3). Prerequisite: None. This course presents the fundamentals of DC circuit analysis. Topics include: voltage, current, sources, Ohm's law; circuit analysis methods (nodal and mesh analyses). Return to top

EET 207 AC Circuits (2-2-3). Prerequisite: EET 205 DC Circuits. This course presents the fundamentals of AC circuit analysis. Topics include: alternating-current voltage, current, sources, Ohm's law applied to AC circuits; circuit analysis methods, (nodal and mesh analyses), steady-state power, and three-phase balanced systems. Return to top

EET 315 Microprocessor & Digital System Design (3-0-3). Return to top

EET 316 Microprocessor & Digital System Design Lab (0-3-1). Prerequisite: EET 202. Corequisite: EET 316. Architecture and hardware design of microprocessor-based system, including bus structure, interrupts handling, I/O ports, control signal, and peripherals. Combinational and sequential logic circuitry implemented with Field Programmable Gate Array design methodology.
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EET 320 Embedded Microprocessor Systems (3-0-3). Prerequisites: EET 315, EET 316. A comprehensive understanding of the instruction set and the related programming algorithmic thought process required to design with and incorporate microprocessor-based systems in dedicated applications. Topics include serial and parallel data communication, exception processing, file transfer protocol, I/O interfacing and peripherals, and assembly language programming. Return to top

EET 330 Advanced Circuit Analysis (3-0-3). Prerequisites: associate-degree-level DC and AC circuit courses, MTT 300. Corequisite: MTT 301. Transform methods in circuit analysis, including the detailed analysis of circuits, waveforms, time-domain techniques, Laplace transform solutions, transfer functions, frequency response and Bode diagrams. Return to top

EET 410 Power Electronic Systems (3-0-3). Return to top

EET 411 Power Electronic Systems Lab (0-3-1). Prerequisites: associate-degree-level DC and AC machines courses, MTT 301, EET 330. Fundamentals of mechanics, DC machines, and AC machines reviewed. Design considerations of power electronic rectification, controlled rectification, DC chopper power modulators, and DC-to-AC inverters. Fourier series analysis of inverter waveforms and power filter design are examined. Return to top

EET 415 Electronic Circuits, Signals, and Systems (3-0-3). Return to top

EET 416 Electronic Circuits, Signals, and Systems Lab (0-3-1). Prerequisites: EET 201 (associate-degree-level analog electronics course), EET 330. Corequisite: EET 416.  Analog electronics with applications using current integrated circuit devices. Analysis techniques of linear and non-linear systems and ideal and non-ideal device characteristics with an emphasis on practical design concepts. Return to top

EET 430 Applications of FPGAs and VHDL (3-0-3). Prerequisites: EET 315, 316. Programming in Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware Description Language (VHDL) that describes the inputs and outputs, behavior, and functions of circuits. Applications of logic circuitry will be implemented with Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) technology. Return to top

EET 440 Feedback Control Systems (3-0-3). Return to top

EET 441 Feedback Control Systems Lab (0-3-1). Prerequisite: EET 330. Algebraic diagram representation of open and closed loop processes. Block diagram reduction methods. Fundamental analysis methods of linear feedback controls using transfer function, time-domain, and frequency-domain methodologies. Analysis and design is also extended to non-linear processes using computer simulation methods. Simulation evaluations include closed loop tuning, dead-time process control, and electro-mechanical motion control. Return to top

EET 450 Digital Signal Processing (3-0-3). Return to top

EET 451 Digital Signal Processing Lab (0-3-1). Prerequisites: EET 330. This course introduces DSP theory, with an emphasis on digital filter design and implementation. Topics covered include discrete-time system analysis, sampling theory, Z-transforms, IIR and FIR filter design techniques, and Fourier analysis. Technical Elective. Return to top

EET 460 Senior Design A (1-0-1). Prerequisites: Senior standing and all required 300- and 400-level program courses. Planning for the capstone course, EET 480 Senior Design B, to demonstrate the ability to define a problem in engineering terms and develop a realistic plan to complete an engineering project. A comprehensive written plan including budget, equipment requirements, time schedule, problem description, design alternatives, and tentative design will be prepared. Students are expected to extend their knowledge through self-study and research in developing and assessing design options. Ethical, legal, and environmental considerations are included. Students are encouraged to propose team projects. Return to top

EET 470 Machine Vision and Image Processing (3-0-3). Prerequisites: Senior standing and permission of instructor. Image formation, image filtering, template matching, histograms, and morphological operations applied to vision inspection system. Technical Elective. Return to top

EET 480 Senior Design B (1-5-3). Prerequisite: EET 460 in previous semester. Complete project development from concept and proposal submitted in EET 460. Final written and oral reports will be required. Return to top

EET 494 Advanced Topics in Electronics Engineering Technology (3-0-3). Prerequisite: Senior standing. Topics of current technical interest in electronics, controls, and computer industries, applying core concepts across the electronic engineering technology curriculum.
NOTE: The content of this course changes periodically to provide the injection of recent technological topic areas and subject material into the curriculum. May be repeated for credit under different course subtitles. Technical Elective. Return to top

EET 497 Special Topics in Electronics Engineering Technology (1 to 6 credits). Prerequisite: Senior standing. Independent study on a special topic or project under the guidance of a faculty member. May be repeated for credit. Technical Elective. Return to top


GET 197 (1-6 credits) Independent Study in Engineering Technology. Prerequisite: Freshman standing or permission of instructor. Independent study on a special topic or project under the guidance of a faculty member. May be repeated for credit for a total of 6 credit hours with a change of topic. Technical Elective Return to top

GET 255 Introduction to Robotics and Automated Systems (3-2-4) Prerequisite: None. Introduction to robotics and automated systems. The development of robots, different working models of robots, selection sensors, and programming of robot controllers. Introduction to computer integrated manufacturing operations, including types and components of CIM systems, economic considerations, and the integration of CIM components into a flexible manufacturing system (FMS). Laboratory projects to include construction and programming of mobile robots (e.g., LEGO Mindstorms Robots or Parallax BASIC Stamp II Boe-Bot) and the assembly and test of individual component designs for CIM systems into a miniature FMS built from the Fischertechnik models. Technical Elective. Return to top

GET 285 Science of Alternative Energy (3-2-4) Prerequisite: None. This course covers present-day energy systems and covers and in-depth analysis of the design and installation of alternative energy systems. The focus is on renewable energy sources (wind, solar, biomass), but other non-carbon-emitting sources (nuclear) and lowered-carbon sources (co-generative gas turbine plants, fuel cells) also are studied. Both the devices as well as the overall systems are analyzed. Laboratory experiments will demonstrate wind turbines, solar panels, and fuel cells. Technical Elective Return to top

GET 297 (1-6 credits) Independent Study in Engineering Technology. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or permission of instructor. Independent study on a special topic or project under the guidance of a faculty member. May be repeated for credit for a total of 6 credit hours with a change of topic. Technical Elective Return to top

GET 310 Computer System Technology (3-0-3). Prerequisites: EET 315, EET 316. Data and computer communication principles, including structure and organization, protocols, linkages and interfacing, signal and media types, coding theory, local area networks (LANs), and industrial data communication standards. Return to top

GET 320 Robotics I (2-0-2). Return to top

GET 321 Robotics I Lab (0-4-2). Prerequisites: associate-degree-level physics, statics, dynamics, algebra, trigonometry, and calculus; or ESC 203, or MET 300. Prerequisite or corequisite: MTT 300. An overview of the technology, methods, and practices of robotics and mechatronics (the integration of mechanical, electrical, and computing elements), with basic details on key topics such as kinematics, mechanisms, actuators, sensors, motors, electronic hardware, controllers, and vision. Development of a math foundation in linear algebra and vectors to describe robotic configurations of various degrees of freedom. Laboratory projects to include construction of robots (e.g. LEGO Mindstorms Robots), which are driven by a microcontroller and exhibit various behaviors. Technical Elective. Return to top

GET 420 Robotics II (2-0-2). Return to top

GET 421 Robotics II Lab (0-4-2). Prerequisites: GET 320, GET 321. Corequisites: GET 430, GET 431, or EET 440, EET 441. Continued study of the technology, methods, and practices of robotics and mechatronics, with emphasis on robots in computer integrated manufacturing. Topics include drive systems, control techniques, path control, end-of-arm tooling, automation sensors, and machine vision. Laboratory projects include sensor testing, experiments with actuators and mechanisms, control scheme simulations, projects and case study problems. Technical Elective. Return to top

GET 430 Electrical Power, Controls, and Instrumentation (3-0-3). Return to top

GET 431 Electrical Power, Controls, and Instrumentation Lab (0-3-1). Prerequisites: MTT 301 and associate-degree-level electrical fundamentals. Fundamentals of electrical and electronic power, controls, and instrumentation for Mechanical Engineering Technology students. Electric machines and control. Sensors and actuators and interfacing to PLC and PC. Feedback control theory and implementation. Automated data collection. Return to top

GET 440 Applications of Programmable Logic Controllers (4-0-4). Prerequisites: MTT 300 and a high-level programming language. A practical course emphasizing the use of PLCs in a wide range of industrial applications. Topics include ladder logic concepts, data manipulation, timing, discrete and analog I/O, network configuration, sequencers, and shift registers. Return to top

GET 444 HMI Applications of Programmable Logic Controllers (3-0-3). Prerequisite: GET 440. Develop human-machine-interface for programmable logic controller's industrial applications. HMI includes dynamic graphics, operator station control, trending, data logging, and recipes. Technical Elective. Return to top

GET 455 Robotics System Design (3-0-3). Prerequisites: GET 320, GET 321, GET 420, GET 421, and GET 430 or EET 440. Design of robotics systems, including concept development, modeling, simulation, selection, and optimization of equipment, sensors, and controllers. Economic consideration, reliability and safety, and documentation of final design. Examples of robotics systems designs to be chosen from industrial and non-industrial applications. Technical Elective. Return to top


MTT 300 Applied Mathematics (4-0-4). Prerequisites: associate-degree-level algebra, trigonometry, geometry, and introductory calculus. Applications of differential and integral calculus including advanced differentiation and integrations techniques as applied to engineering problems. Return to top

MTT 301 Advanced Applied Math (4-0-4). Prerequisite: MTT 300 or equivalent. Differential equations, transient analysis, Laplace transform methods. S-plane poles and zeros are applied specifically toward program applications. Return to top


MET 201 Statics for Engineering Technology (2-2-3). Prerequisite: None. Introductory level statics. Analysis of static equilibrium of trusses and frames including forces in members and joints. Section and mass properties, friction, centroids, moment of inertia, radius of gyration, and virtual work. Laboratory work will consist of experiments that reinforce the theory (lectures). Return to top

MET 202 Dynamics for Engineering Technology (2-2-3). Prerequisite: MET 201 Statics for Engineering Technology. Introductory level dynamics. Dynamic of particles and bodies in translation or rotation; the kinematics of plane motion, relative motion, the concept of force, mass, and acceleration; work and energy, impulse and momentum Laboratory work will consist of experiments that reinforce the theory (lectures). Return to top

MET 300 Fundamentals of Engineering Mechanics (4-1-4). Prerequisites: associate-degree-level algebra, trigonometry, and geometry. Bridge course for associate-degree holders without familiarity with introductory level statics, dynamics, and strength of materials. Analysis of static equilibrium of trusses and frames including forces in members and joints. Section and mass properties. Static and dynamic friction. Dynamic of particles and bodies in translation or rotation. Fundamental properties of ductile and brittle metals for stress and strain. Direct stress and shear, bending stress, and torsional shear in components. Laboratory tensile test and bending deflection demonstrations. Return to top

MET 320 Advanced Mechanics of Materials (3-0-3). Prerequisites: associate-degree-level calculus, statics, and strength of materials courses or MET 300. Corequisite: MTT 300. Stress under combined loading, stress concentration factors, design stresses, Mohr's circle, endurance limit and fatigue life, and deflection of variable section beams, method of superposition, bucking. Temperature changes and press fits. Combined stress failure theories. Selection and processing of engineering metals, plastics, and composites. Heat-treating, cold working, and residual stresses. Temperature effects on strength, creep, and ductility. Return to top

MET 330 Advanced Dynamics (4-0-4). Prerequisites: associate-degree-level calculus, statics, and strength of materials courses or MET 300, and MTT 300. Displacement, velocity and acceleration of particles and rigid bodies with combined translation and rotation. Reaction and inertia forces and mass and polar moments of inertia. Analysis by equations of motion, force-acceleration, work-energy, and impulse-momentum. Conservative and non-conservative forces and moments. Free and forced vibrations, natural frequency, and fundamentals of damping and vibration isolation. Return to top

MET 345 Thermodynamics (4-0-4). Prerequisites: associate-degree-level calculus, dynamics, and fluid power. Corequisites: MTT 300, MET 320. The study of classical thermodynamics approach to system and control volumes, properties and processes of gases and vapors, zeroth, first, and second laws of systems and control volumes. Vapor and gas power systems. Refrigeration and heat pumps systems. Ideal gas mixtures and psychometrics, reacting gases and combustion. Return to top

MET 350 Fluid Mechanics (3-0-3). Prerequisite: MTT 300. Corequisite: MTT 301. The fundamentals of fluid mechanics, including the properties of fluids, pressure, hydrostatics and dynamics of fluid flow. Laminar and turbulent flow, friction losses, and sizing of pipes. Pump section and application. Selected course topics are included as computer programming projects. Return to top

MET 351 Thermal Fluids Lab (0-3-2). Prerequisite: MET 345. Corequisite: MET 350. Laboratory experiments in selected topics in fluids flow, heat transfer, and thermodynamics. Introduction to validity of measurements, statistical analysis, error and uncertainty analysis. Return to top

MET 410 Design of Machine Components (3-0-3). Return to top

MET 411 Mechanical Measurements Lab (0-3-1). Prerequisites: MET 320, MET 330, MTT 301. Design, analysis, and selection of components used in machines, including shafts, gears, clutches, brakes, bearings, fasteners, springs, and bolted and welded frames. Determination of appropriate design stresses and deflections for strength, durability, and function. Selection of materials and processing and manufacturing considerations. Return to top

MET 420 Heat Transfer (3-0-3). Prerequisites: MET 345, MET 350, MTT 301. The mechanisms of heat transfer, including conduction in one and two dimensions, forced and free convection, internal and external flows, heat exchangers, and introduction to radiation. Return to top

MET 425 Thermal Sciences for Electronic Engineering Technology (4-0-4). Prerequisites: associate-degree-level physics, MTT 301. Thermodynamics, heat transfer, and fluid flow principles and their applications to electronic equipment and digital devices. Topics include heat generation in printed-circuit boards and power transmission mediums, thermal resistance concepts, junction temperature, cooling and heating loads, air and liquid cooled heat sinks, thermoelectric power generation and refrigeration, dielectric heating, heat pipes and vortex tubes and their applications in electronic cooling. Technical Elective. Return to top

MET 441 Finite Element Analysis (3-0-3). Prerequisites: MET 320, MET 330, MET 410. This course provides an introduction to the finite element method for analysis of trusses, frames, and various machines. A finite element software package will be used to perform forces, stress, and displacement analysis, which will be compared with rigorous solutions using methods presented in statics, mechanics of materials, and machine design courses. Technical Elective. Return to top

MET 445 Solid Modeling Applications (3-0-3). Prerequisites: MET 330. Corequisites: MET 410, MET 411. Development and application of solid models of components and assemblies in engineering design and analysis. Use of solid models in problems related to component design, stress analysis, fluid flow, heat transfer, machine dynamics, and assembly interference. Production of engineering drawings, visual representations, and data files for machining and rapid prototyping. Accuracy and validity considerations of solid models. Return to top

MET 450 Mechanical System Design (3-0-3). Prerequisites: MET 330, MET 410, MET 411. Design and analysis of mechanical systems made up of gears, clutches, brakes, bearings, bolted and welded frames, considering interactions among components. Use of standard components. Determination of appropriate design stresses and deflections for strength, durability, and function. Optimization of assembly for cost, weight, durability, etc. Consideration of professional responsibilities in design. Technical Elective. Return to top

MET 460 Thermal System Design (3-0-3). Prerequisites: MET 345, MET 350. Corequisite: MET 420. Advanced topics of fluid mechanics, properties of fluids, pressure, hydrostatic, and dynamics of fluid flow. Design of thermal systems. Synthesis and sizing of a system design requirements. Synthesis of components of thermal systems under technical, economical, and social constrains. Technical Elective. Return to top

MET 465 Heating, Ventilating, and Air-Conditioning (HVAC) (3-0-3). Prerequisites: MET 345, MET 350, MET 351. Thermodynamics of gas mixture. Control of gas mixtures, heating, cooling, and humidity. Heating and cooling loads. Design and selection of HVAC systems. Design project. Technical Elective. Return to top

MET 470 Senior Design A (1-0-1). Prerequisites: Senior standing and all required 300- and 400-level program courses. Planning for the capstone course, MET 480 Senior Design B, to demonstrate the ability to define a problem in engineering terms and develop a realistic plan to complete an engineering project. A comprehensive written plan including budget, equipment requirements, time schedule, problem description, design alternatives, and tentative design will be prepared. Students are expected to extend their knowledge through self-study and research in developing and assessing design options. Ethical, legal, and environmental considerations are included. Students are encouraged to propose team projects. Return to top

MET 480 Senior Design B (1-5-3). Prerequisite: MET 470 in previous semester. Capstone course to demonstrate mastery of analysis and design techniques and engineering judgment applied to a realistic engineering problem. A comprehensive report including research, testing, and analysis results will be required along with an oral presentation. Professional, ethical, social, and legal considerations will be considered. Return to top

MET 485 Energy Conversion (4-0-4). Prerequisites: MET 345, MET 350. Introduction to global energy concerns, fossil and nuclear fuels, energy consumption analysis, energy management and conservation techniques, renewable and alternative energy sources. Modern energy conversion devices such as fuel cells, and power turbines. Technical Elective. Return to top

MET 494 Advanced Topics in Mechanical Engineering Technology (3-0-3). Prerequisite: Senior standing. Topics of current technical interest, applying core concepts across the Mechanical Engineering Technology curriculum. NOTE: The content of this course changes periodically to provide the injection of recent technological topic areas and subject material into the curriculum. May be repeated for credit under different course subtitles. Technical Elective. Return to top

MET 497 Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering Technology (1 to 6 credits). Prerequisite: Senior standing. Independent study on a special topic or project under the guidance of a faculty member. May be repeated for credit. Technical Elective. Return to top

Mailing Address
Engineering Technology Department
Washkewicz College of Engineering, Cleveland State University
2121 Euclid Ave. FH 427
Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2214

Campus Location
Fenn Hall Room 427
1960 East 24th Street
Phone: 216-687-2559
Fax: 216-686-9280