Dan T Moore MakerSpace

Metal Shop

metal shop

The machine shop works in partnership with the Society for Automotive Engineering (SAE) chapter at CSU. The officers of SAE volunteer to help students with projects related to course work.

SAE Officer, Matthew Budney, m.budney@vikes.csuohio.edu


Equipment in Metal Shop

(Click on the Equipment Image to learn more)

Tormach CNC

The Tormach is a CNC (Computer Numerical Controlled) Machine. Using a CAD drawing and the Tormach fabricates a solid part out of metal or some plastics. ​​​​​​​​​​​​



Metal Lathe



Milling Machine

Milling Machine

PlasmaCam Table

Plasma Cam

Tig & Mig Welding in Welding Booth

Tig Welder

Welding Booth

Grinder and Band Saw


​​​​​​​Band Saw​​​​​​​