How To Apply

Understanding the Eligibility and Rules and properly completing all of the paperwork is an important part of completing your BEST Medicine project.
Open to students in grades 6-12 at any public, private, parochial, or home school. All BEST Medicine projects should include an engineering approach to solve a medical or environmental problem.

Eligibility Requirements

Please review the BEST Medicine Handbook to familiarize yourself with important dates, procedures, and notes about the competition.

BEST Medicine Handbook

Projects for participation in BEST Medicine Engineering Fair must fall into an approved category.

The Scientific Review Committee has the authority to change or add project categories as necessary.

Categories For BEST Medicine Engineering Fair

Pre-selected students will only need to fill out the Media Release Form (Appendix E) which you can find here

Students who were not pre-selected will need to 

  • Complete the forms in the following PDF that are applicable to them (this is marked in the Forms Checklist at the beginning of the document) student-application-form.pdf
  • Complete the Media Release Form (Appendix E) which you can find here

Pre-selected and non-preselected students should download, complete, and upload their necessary forms to the Student Registration Form by April 1st, 2025

Note: If you competed at NEOSEF, the forms that you submitted will also apply to our fair. You will need to fill out Form 10 and Appendix E from the PDFs. These can be compiled into one PDF and submitted at the registration link.

Student Registration Form

Contact Us

For questions, or more information on the BEST Medicine Engineering Fair, contact:

BEST Medicine Chair: Brian Davis, Ph.D.

(216) 687-2556