Students In Fenn Hall
Tours, Visits and Outreach

Fenn Academy

Fenn Academy is a consortium among Cleveland State University's Washkewicz College of Engineering, area school districts, and industry partners that collaborate in educational activities designed to encourage high school students to pursue post-secondary education and careers in engineering and computers/data science.

Fenn Academy Outreach and Activities

The Fenn Academy visits Physics, Chemistry and Engineering classes at many high schools, career centers and community colleges for engineering outreach throughout the year. Many high school and community college groups also visit the Washkewicz College of Engineering for engaging laboratory tours with faculty, staff, and students. 

Engineer For A Day Job Shadowing Program provides high school students in grades 10-12 with a glimpse of what a career in engineering would entail during a half-day of shadowing an engineer is the workplace. This activity occurs every February during National Engineers Week.

BEST Medicine is Northeast Ohio’s premier engineering fair and is devoted exclusively to students interested in exploring biomedical or environmental engineering.

Washkewicz College of Engineering
Cleveland State University
2121 Euclid Ave., WH 305
Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2214
Phone: 216.687.2555