Graduate Course Syllabi and Rotation

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Course NUmber  course name
EEC 503 Writing in Electrical and Computer Engineering
EEC 510 Linear Systems
EEC 512 Probability and Stochastic
EEC 514 Introduction to Nanotechnology
EEC 515 Biosensors, Bioelectronics and BioMEMS
EEC 517 Embedded Systems
EEC 521 Software Engineering
EEC 525 Data Mining
EEC 530 Digital Signal Processing 
EEC 542 The Art and Science of Feedback Control
EEC 574 Power Electronics II
EEC 580 Modern Digital Design
EEC 581 Computer Architecture
EEC 584 Computer Networks
EEC 587 Rapid Digital System Prototyping
EEC 592 Hands-on Experience on Computer System Security
EEC 592 Software Defined Radio
EEC 592 Prosthesis Design and Control
EEC 622 Formal Methods in Software Engineering
EEC 623 Software Quality Assurance
EEC 624 Software Testing
EEC 625 Software Design and Architecture
EEC 626 Software Engineering Project
EEC 640 Advanced Control System Design
EEC 644 Optimal Control Systems
EEC 645 Intelligent Control Systems
EEC 646 Dynamics and Control of MEMS
EEC 647 Robot Dynamics and Control
EEC 651 Digital Communications
EEC 652 Error Control Coding
EEC 653 Information Theory
EEC 654 Mobile Communications
EEC 655 Satellite Communications
EEC 660 Nanoscale Solid State Electronics
EEC670 Power Systems Operation and Control
EEC 673 Electronics and Electric Machines
EEC 681 Distributed Computing Systems 
EEC 683 Computer Network II
EEC 687 Mobile Computing 
EEC 688 Secure and Dependable Computing
EEC 693 Special Topics: Optimal State Estimation
EEC 693 Special Topics: Evolutionary Optimization Algorithms
EEC 693 Special Topics: Renewable and Alternative Energy
EEC 693 Special Topics: Applied Computer Vision with Depth Cameras
EEC 693 Special Topics: Network Security and Privacy I
EEC 693 Special Topics: Network Security and Privacy II
EEC 693 Special Topics: Special Topics: Secure Cloud Computing
EEC 693 Special Topics: Emerging Techniques for Wireless Communications and Networking
EEC 720 Writing in Electrical and Computer Engineering
EEC 723 Software Quality Assurance
EEC 744 Optimal Control Systems
EEC 745 Inelligent Control System
EEC 747 Robot Dynamics and Control
EEC 755 Satellite Communications
EEC 770 Power Systems Operation and Control
EEC 773 Electronics and Electric Machines
EEC 781 Distributed Computing Systems
EEC 783 Computer Networks II
EEC 787 Mobile Computing
EEC 788 Secure and Dependable Computing
EEC 793 Special Topics: Optimal State Estimation
EEC 793 Special Topics: Evolutionary Optimization Algorithms
EEC 793 Special Topics: Renewable and Alternative Energy
EEC 793 Special Topics: Applied Computer Vision with Depth Cameras
EEC 793 Special Topics: Network Security and Privacy I
EEC 793 Special Topics: Network Security and Privacy II
EEC 794 Optimal Control Systems
EEC 794 Intelligent Control Systems
EEC 794 Special Topics: Evolutionary Optimization Algorithms


Mailing Address
Cleveland State University, Department of Computer Science
2121 Euclid Ave., FH 212
Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2214

Campus Location
Fenn Hall Room 212
1960 East 24th Street
Phone: 216.687.4604