Sherwin Williams ESS Scholars Program

Student Testimonials

What are students of the ESS Scholars Program are saying? Students shared their answers to the following questions.

  1. What do you like most about being an ESS Scholar?  
  2.  What are the benefits of being an ESS Scholar?
  3.  What challenges have you had as an ESS Scholar?
  4.  Would you recommend the ESS Scholars program to your peers?

Mawunya "Nate" Ahiagbedey


  • The mentoring program is definitely my favorite aspect of ESS. You're matched with someone who is familiar with the university, and just more experienced in life as a whole. They are able to give you tips on how to properly maneuver your way through. It’s always nice to have an outside perspective on what you should do.
  • The resources and mentoring! ESS has become my one stop shop for everything whether it be advising, tutoring, or seeking internships. There’s always someone ready to help me in every area.
  • In my freshman year, just getting familiar with the college was a bit difficult. I was always knew there were people in the engineering office to help guide me through.
  • Definitely! You don’t know what you don’t know and ESS is the best way to find out.

Czarina Legitimas


  • What I love about being an ESS Scholar is to be able to represent the minority in an engineering major.
  • Benefit of being an ESS Scholar is the ability to have a network and connections outside your specialized engineering major.
  • The challenges I had as an ESS Scholar is the few networking activities, or delayed activities during this pandemic.
  • I would highly recommend the ESS Scholars to my peers, as this program helps open up many opportunities that we don’t even know about. This is a program where you can expand the horizons to where you can further carry on the skills that one is studying right now.

Jacob Ghobrial


  • My favorite thing about being an ESS scholar is the great coaching you get to help you become successful in your academics and engineering career.
  • The benefits for this program include: growing your network, constantly receiving opportunities for co-ops, guidance and practice in terms of securing a position, a financial scholarship, and receiving a great credential to add on to resume.
  • The challenges I had as an ESS scholar were mainly in regards to finding an internship or co-op, but that was one of the main points in which I was helped with and guided until I secured a position for next semester, after only being in the program for a few months.
  • I would definitely recommend the ESS scholars program to my peers. It's a great opportunity for all engineering students to grow their network and talk to experienced people that can give great advice and insight.