Chemical and Biomedical Engineering

AIChE-CSU Meeting Minutes Archive

Meeting Minutes

Meeting Tuesday, October 21, 2014
It was great to see you all at the meeting today! Here is a reminder of what we went over today:
  • Cookie Jar Fundraiser
  • Possible plant tours
    • The Cleveland chapter of AIChE is hosting a plant tour of ZOOK. They manufacture rupture disks, explosion vents, and other pressure relief products. (Click Here for the flyer). If you need transportation feel free to contact us. 
    • There are also many opportunities listed on the Cleveland chapter's website at
  • Vex Robotics Competition 
    • Vex is a robotics competition designed for middle school and high school students.  As students in engineering, we believe that it is our duty to get younger students engaged in science, technology, math, and engineering.  To help view this image, they host the Competition here at CSU.  To help the event run smoothly, they need as much help as possible. This is why they are asking for help.  They need volunteers for the day of the event, as well as people to help set up the night before. Some positions require training while others you just need to show up to the event.  If you are interested in helping, talk to an IEEE Officer, or email Will Monahan at  Additionally you can fill out the volunteer form here .  On the form there is a description of the potential positions you can help out with. There is some more information in the flyer (Click Here).
  • Monsters Game
    • We would like to go to a Monsters hockey game again this year. There was a lot of interest at the meeting, so we will follow up with possible dates.
  • Guest Speakers
    • There was some interest in having guest speakers come in and talk to us about what they do as a professional engineer. If you have any ideas in what you would like to learn about, but didn't want to speak up at the meeting, please let us know and we will try to work something out.
  • Canstruction
    • We are planning an inter-organizational event with the other engineering student organizations called Canstruction. There is more info and pictures here! Basically, money is raised to buy canned goods and then a structure is built out of them in a competition with local Cleveland companies. After the competition, the food is donated to a local food bank. More information to follow.
We hope to see you all again next month!
Meeting Thursday, March 3, 2014

I am pleased to announce that our President for Spring 2014 is Stephen Reeves and our Vice President is Matt Hoang!

Below is a recap of what was discussed at our meeting, along with some helpful links:

  1. Fundraiser: If you're interested in selling cookie jars, please see the flyer(here). If you have any questions, please contact us at or simply reply to this email.
  2. ChemE Car: Possibly meet sometime over winter break to discuss design plans. Look for forthcoming email that has rules and regulations as well as design concepts. If you have any questions or suggestions, please email Teisha Mullins ( directly.
  3. Chapter Website:  If you have any suggestions for what should be displayed on the website, please email us at
  4. Keep "Fenn College of Engineering" On Our Diplomas: Please sign and distribute the petition to help keep current Fenn College of Engineering Students connection to 90 years of heritage and thousands of alumni and alumnae.Click Here!
  5. Suggestions for Rennovated Organization Space
    1. white board or chalk board space
    2. fridge
    3. microwave
  6. Possible Plant Tours
    1. Perry Power Plant (or another nuclear power plant)
    2. Cleveland Clinic Foundation - Lerner Research Institute
    3. NASA John Glenn Research Center