Outside Activities and Employment

All outside activities, whether compensated or not, should be acknowledged in your annual activity report (appended below). Use the following form and memo to seek approval for any activity requiring approval as described in Article 22.1.B and C. 

Outside Consulting Form

Outside Consulting Sample Memo

Article 22 Outside Employment

22.1 Faculty members are frequently called upon to render professional counsel or service to public or private agencies for which compensation is direct and in excess of the terms of University contracts. Such services are encouraged if they fulfill a responsibility of the University to the community at large and provide invaluable professional experiences to faculty members. It is understood, however, that such activities shall in no way limit the extent or quality of a faculty member's obligation to the University or his or her profession. There are three levels of such activities:

A. Activities that have a minimal impact on the faculty member's University or professional obligations, e.g., keynote speeches, paid reviews of research articles, books or creative works, and tenure reviews for other universities.

B. Activities that have a somewhat substantial one-time impact on the faculty member's University or professional obligations, e.g., teaching short courses or workshops, consulting on projects for business, government or nonprofit organizations, expert testimony and self-employment.

C. Activities that have a substantial and continuing impact on the faculty member's University or professional obligations, e.g., long-term consulting relationships with business, government or nonprofit organizations, expert testimony and self-employment.

The activities described in part A. above are exempt from the pre-approval requirements specified in the remainder of this article but shall be included in the annual spring semester report of extramural employment.

Before performing activities described in parts B. and C. above, a faculty member must obtain the written approval of the Department Chairperson/School Director and the Dean, such approval not to be unreasonably denied. In no event shall she or he accept a regular salary or annual retainer for counsel or services without the written consent of the Provost. Faculty members shall not engage in any outside employment activity which competes directly with the University in its pursuit of grants, awards, projects and other sources of funding. In addition, outside employment will not be undertaken which violates Ohio's ethics laws governing public employees.

The use of the name, symbol, or address of Cleveland State University in any extramural employment agreement is prohibited. University facilities, equipment, and materials may be used for such purposes only with the prior express consent of the Administration and according to explicit terms for reimbursement.

Department Chairpersons and Deans shall at all times be kept informed in writing of the extramural employment of faculty members. Faculty shall submit a report of such activities, indicating the number of hours and for whom the work was performed, to the Dean by April 30 each academic year. Consulting activities should make a contribution to the enrichment of the teaching and/or research competence of the faculty member.


Mailing Address
Washkewicz College of Engineering
Cleveland State University
2121 Euclid Ave., WH 305
Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2214

Campus Location
Washkewicz College of Engineering
2300 Chester Avenue, WH305
Washkewicz Hall (WH) 305
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
Phone: 216-687-2555
Fax: 216-687-9280

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Phone: 216.687.2555