Accelerated MS Program

The Accelerated MS Program (former 4+1 Program) enables students to a earn a Bachelor of Civil Engineering degree as well as a Master of Science in Civil or Environmental Engineering in 5 years. The program is designed to attract the best-of-the-best current undergraduate students and is especially intended for students who demonstrate an interest in, and ability for, additional education beyond the bachelor's degree. Students will have the opportunity to enroll in graduate courses during their third (Junior) and fourth (Senior) year of study.

Application to the program: Only enrolled CSU undergraduate Civil Engineering students are eligible to apply for the Accelerated MS Program in Civil or Environmental Engineering. Students are eligible to apply after they have completed 60 credit hours, with at least 30 credit hours earned at CSU. Students should apply to the program before the completion of 95 credit hours (including transfer credits). Consult with your CVE major advisor and/or CVE secretary for more accurate and recent eligibility. To be eligible for admission to the program, the student must:

  • Have shown appropriate progress in their degree program.
  • Have a cumulative grade point average of 2.75 or higher.
  • Have completed 60 credit hours, with at least 30 credit hours earned at CSU but have completed LESS than 95 credit hours (including transfer credits).

Application Process: Students who wish to be considered for admission must complete and submit an application package to the Graduate Program Director of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Master's Programs. A complete application must include:

  • Accelerated MS Program Application form; and
  • A one to two-page written career plan describing why and how this program will enhance the student's scholarly and career goals.

Program Details

Students admitted to the Accelerated MS program remain undergraduates until they meet the requirements for the bachelor's degree, at which point they will receive the BCE degree. Once admitted, the student may complete up to nine (9)* credit hours of graduate courses while enrolled in the undergraduate program. These nine (9)* credit hours will count towards BOTH the undergraduate degree and the graduate degree, either as electives or requirements, depending on the courses. In addition, up to nine (9) credit hours of 500 or higher level courses taken during the Bachelor's degree that were not used in BS graduation requirements can be transferred to a Graduate Program.

*) Applied (or approved) in Fall 2024 or later. It is 12 credit hours if approved before that.

Upon completion of the bachelor’s degree, students must register for graduate level classes within three semesters of completing the bachelor’s degree requirements (excluding summer) provided you have completed all 500-level classes with a grade of B or better and have met other requirements as set by the program.

 As a Graduate student, students must maintain a GPA of at least 3.0 to remain in the program.

Honors students

  • 500-level courses are already counted as Honors Credit (16 minimum)
  • Honors Project/Thesis credits can be substituted with Master's Project Credits

Mailing Address
Civil & Environmental Engineering Department
Cleveland State University
2121 Euclid Ave., FH 107
Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2214

Campus Location
Fenn Hall Room 107
1960 East 24th Street
Phone: 216-687-2401
Fax: 216-687-5395