Research Centers


A Cleveland State University Research Center is an organizational unit within the University that is formed to:
   (1) promote research,
   (2) take advantage of funding initiatives and opportunities,
   (3) target audiences external to the University,
   (4) foster interdisciplinary studies, projects or initiatives, or
   (5) engage in public service or community outreach.
Research Centers often are created based on external funding opportunities or interests of faculty, senior research staff, or professional staff. Research Centers should encourage participation by graduate and undergraduate students and offer opportunities for internships.

Centers do not admit students, or confer degrees, or offer courses separately from academic departments (but can promote and endorse continued education courses developed in conjunction with the Division of Continuing and Extended Education).


Center for Advanced Control Technologies


Research Emphasis:Advanced control algorithms: Active Disturbance Rejection Control, Non-linear PID, multi-variable time varying control, scaling and parameterization, discrete time control, adaptive control, self-tuning control, model independent control, and distributed control systems.
Faculty Contact:Dr. Zhiqiang Gao (


Center for Human-Machine Systems (CHMS)


Research Emphasis:The Center for Human-Machine Systems (CHMS) aims to improve human-machine systems by combining the unique capabilities of the engineered and natural subsystems. The center will do this by providing to its members a synergistic environment and resources to promote the development of high-quality, well funded, and high-impact research projects.
Faculty Contact:Dr. Eric Schearer (


Center for Rotating Machinery, Dynamics and Control (RoMaDyC)


Research Emphasis:The RoMaDyC is dedicated to enhancing productivity and competitiveness of its partners in industry, focusing on research to provide cutting-edge technical innovations to solve complex problems in engineering systems involving rotating machinery, structures, dynamics and control. The Center serves as an intellectual resource for the industry with the aim of continuous improvement and long-term development. In addition to research and development, RoMaDyC maintains an active educational mission to both educate and provide information to the community regarding rotating machinery, advanced dynamics and control.
Faculty Contact:Dr. Jerzy Sawicki (


University Transportation Center (UTC)

Research Emphasis:The CSU-University Transportation Center is the Northeast Ohio representative of the Council of University Transportation Centers (CUTC) program. A federally-funded, long-term initiative, the program taps the research and educational expertise of colleges and their faculty to improve all facets of transportation across the United States. Each of the 60 UTCs currently in operation focuses on a single transportation theme; in the case of the Cleveland State UTC, this theme is "Work Zone Safety and Efficiency."
Faculty Contact:Dr. Stephen Duffy (


Mailing Address
Cleveland State University, Washkewicz College of Engineering
2121 Euclid Ave., WH 305
Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2214

Campus Location
Washkewicz Hall Room 305
2300 Chester Avenue
Phone: 216.687.2555
Fax: 216.687.9280

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