3D Printing Lab

3D Lab
                              Recently, substantial funding from the Ohio Board of Regents and support from the university led to the development of the Center for Innovative Manufacturing facility at Cleveland State University (CSU) (see Figure 1), a premier research facility focused on satisfying the growing technological and engineering needs of the Northeast Ohio region and beyond. The Ohio Board of Regents and university funding led to the acquisition of advanced polymer 3D printing equipment capable of supporting advanced scientific research activities within CSU, as well as research collaboration with other universities, and local, state and national industries. The Center for Innovative Manufacturing is a shared user-facility that is available for use by all researchers on CSU campus, including the Mechanical Engineering, Engineering Technology, Civil, and Chemical and Biomedical Engineering departments.  
3D Lab










Figure 1. The 3D printing facility (6 uPrint and 1 Fortus 250 machine) 

3D Lab Fig 2










Figure 2. Three different Engine Air Particle Separator (EAPS) models.

3D Lab Students










Figure 3. Students from Additive Manufacturing class 

Mailing Address
Mechanical Engineering Department, Washkewicz College of Engineering
Cleveland State University
1960 E. 24th St. FH232
Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2214

Campus Location
Fenn Hall Room 232
1960 East 24th Street
Phone: 216-687-2567
Fax: 216-687-5375