Electrical and Computer Engineering

Contact Us

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Cleveland State University
2121 Euclid Avenue, Fenn Hall 332
Cleveland, OH 44115-2214
Phone: 216-687-2591
FAX: 216-687-5405
Email: ece@csuohio.edu

All phone numbers have area code 216.





Department Chair Dr. Murad Hizlan m.hizlan@csuohio.edu


Graduate Program Director (MSEE) Dr. Mehdi Rahmati (F23) m.rahmati@csuohio.edu


ABET Coordinator (EE and CE Programs) Dr. Zhiqiang Gao z.gao@csuohio.edu


Faculty Secretary Dr. Hongkai Yu h.yu19@csuohio.edu


Web Master Dr. Murad Hizlan m.hizlan@csuohio.edu


IEEE Advisor Dr. Wenbing Zhao w.zhao1@csuohio.edu 523-7480
IEEE-WIE Advisor Dr. Lili Dong l.dong34@csuohio.edu 687-5312
HKN Advisor Dr. Lili Dong l.dong34@csuohio.edu


Academic Program Specialist Ms. Lydia Demjanczuk l.demjaanczuk@csuohio.edu


Department Standing Committees

i) To make recommendations to the Department concerning the establishment, inclusion by merger, alteration or correction of undergraduate / graduate curricula and courses;
ii) to maintain and keep track of the Faculty-approved curricular changes with the CSU system (e.g., Curriculog) and Undergraduate / Graduate Catalog;
iii) to make recommendations to the Department concerning academic standards of the undergraduate / graduate programs including grading practices, transfer of credits, and petitions for exceptions to academic regulations;
iv) to maintain liaison with the College and the University on matters related to the undergraduate / graduate program;
v) to approve and to keep record of petitions.

CommitTee Person Email Telephone Term
Undergraduate Program Committee Dr. Pong Chu p.chu@csuohio.edu 687-2590

2nd Term, 1st year,

Prof. Rick Rarick r.rarick@csuohio.edu 687-2127

1st Term, 2nd year,

Dr. Ana Stankovic a.stankovic@csuohio.edu 687-2513


Graduate Program Committee (MSEE) Dr. Mehdi Rahmati m.rahmati@csuohio.edu


1st Term, 2nd year,
Dr. Hongkai Yu h.yu19@csuohio.edu 687-3869


Dr. Wenbing Zhao wenbing@ieee.org 687-7480

1st Term, 2nd year,

College Standing Committees (To be revised)

CommitTee Person Email Telephone Term
Nominating Committee Dr. Ana Stankovic a.stankovic@csuohio.edu 687-2513

1nd Term, 1st year

Undergraduate Affairs Committee (UAC) Dr. Sathish Kumar s.kumar13@csuohio.edu 687-4862

2nd Term, 2nd year

Graduate Affairs Committee (GAC) Dr. Lili Dong l.dong34@csuohio.edu 687-5312

2nd Term, 2nd year

Faculty Affairs Committee (FAC) Dr. Zhiqiang Gao z.gao@csuohio.edu 687-3528

2nd Term, 2nd year

Peer Review Committee (PRC) Dr. Ana Stankovic a.stankovic@csuohio.edu 687-2513

1nd Term, 1st year