ECE News 2020

For more news, check out our semesterly newsletters: Spring2020 11/24/2020 
Updated Teaching Assistantship Application Form.   The ECE department has updated its TA Application Process for graduate students, which will be available as a menu link and within the Resources and Forms pages.  


Reflections of an Engineer on the Past, Present, and Future Webinar   Reflections_of_an_Engineer_on_the_Past_Present_and_Future_ZOOM.jpg Women in Engineering (WIE) student organization and HKN honor society co-organized a webinar from 11:00am to 12:00pm on Nov. 20, 2020. The webinar featured a presentation titled "Reflections of an Engineer on the Past, Present, and Future" delivered by Mr. Steve Galecki, the current IEEE Chair, Cleveland chapter. There were 41 attendees including the students from EECE, CVE, and MCE Departments and ECE faculty at CSU. The presentation was followed by Q and A session when students asked many questions about job hunting, PE exam, the balance of challenges and skills and so on. Steve answered all the questions and shared his experience and observations. This was the first webinar organized by student officers since the outbreak of COVID-19. Particularly Grace Quaitance (president of WIE), Diana Valle (treasurer of WIE), Anusree Mandali (VP of WIE) and Aaron Teeter (President of HKN) successfully promoted the event, and secured SGA fund to sponsor the event. The webinar would not be successful without their time and efforts. 10/16/2020 
Graduate Student Spotlight   Xuyang Shi is a Ph.D. candidate in Electrical Engineering currently working on his dissertation at Cleveland State University under the guidance of  Dr. Siu-Tung Yau. To see more about his spotlight, please refer to this blog post.   10/09/2020 
ACM Speaker Series First Faculty Presentation

Cleveland State University Chapter of Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) presented the first in a series of faculty speakers.  Dr. Jingru Zhang presented her research on Algorithms for Geometric Covering Problems.  She is looking for both undergraduate and graduate students to assist her in her research. The presentation took place on Friday, October 2, 2020 at 5:00 pm through Zoom. 


​​​​​​CSU Fall Engineering & Computer Science Connections Fair


The annual Engineering and Computer Science Connections Fairwas held virtually on Thursday, October 1 and Friday, October 2 from 10:00-3:00 p.m.

Congrats to the Winners of Startup Vikes


Congratulations to the ECE students among the second and third place winning teams of Startup Vikes! Read more about their accomplishments here.  

ACM Preparing for Career Fair Meeting


Association for Computing Machinery met at 11:30 to 12:30PM in FH202 on February 11, 2020 to discuss the Spring2020 Engineering Connections Fair. ACM president Alex Darling gave the opening comments on why to go for the career fair, then ACM officer Nick Clearly discussed how to prepare for the fair as well as what to bring for the day itself. About 15-20 students attended the gathering, and advice was given on what to bring, what to wear, and how to prepare a decent resume. Throughout the congregation, student members learned practical career fair advice, and truly enjoyed the free food and the free advice.

Cleveland Big Data Workshop

Dr. Sunnie Chung with ECE Dept hosted the Cleveland Big Data Workshop on Monday Jan 27, 2020 at the Student Center Ballroom. It was a local workshop on industry level applications on big data processing and big data analytics. Some of the speakers flew in from Silicon Valley California for the presentations in this event. About 150-200 people from local Big Data industry and Academia attended this event. Many CSU students came for networking and job opportunities.  The workshops for this year included Cost Effective Machine Learning and Analytics on 100s Million Trips by Progressive, Large Scale Data Visualization by Tableau and UrbanCode—Big Data Patterns with Code Deployment.

Mailing Address
Cleveland State University, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
2121 Euclid Ave., FH 332
Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2214

Campus Location
Fenn Hall Room 332
1960 East 24th Street
Phone: 216.687.2589
Fax: 216.687.5405