Frequently Asked Questions

Below, you will find questions that current and prospective graduate students often ask in relation to the department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. If your question is not answered or you would like more information on a topic, please visit our contact page to reach the appropriate person in the department.

-Application, Admission
-Degree requirements
-Tuition, Assistantships
-Thesis, Internships, OPT/CPT, Graduation, Independent Study
-Petitions, Program Transfer, Credit by Exam
-Whom should I contact if I need more information?

-Application, Admission

1) What graduate degrees do you offer?
2) How do I apply?
3) What are the application deadlines?
4) What GPA is required for admission to the master's program? Do I need to take the GRE?
5) What GPA is required for admission to the doctoral program? Do I need to take the GRE?

1) What graduate degrees do you offer?

  • We offer a master's degree in electrical engineering (MSEE), a master's degree in software engineering (MSSE), a master's degree in computer information science (MCIS), and a doctoral degree in engineering (D.Eng.).

2) How do I apply?

3) What are the application deadlines?

  • The application deadline for Fall semester admission is March 15.  The application deadline for Spring semester admission is September 15.  Applications received after the deadlines will be processed. However, late applicants may not receive the necessary registration information in time for enrollment.

4) What GPA is required for admission to the master's program? Do I need to take the GRE?

  • An undergraduate GPA of 3.0 or higher is usually required for admission to the master's programs.
  • The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is needed if your undergraduate GPA was below 3.0, or if your undergraduate degree was not related to electrical engineering or computer science, or if you got your undergraduate degree more than six years ago, or if your undergraduate degree was granted outside the US and Canada, or if your undergraduate institution is not accredited.
  • If the GRE is required, you must obtain a score of at least the 60th percentile on the quantitative portion.

5) What GPA is required for admission to the doctoral program? Do I need to take the GRE?

  • Your master's GPA must be 3.25 or greater, and your bachelor's GPA must be 3.0 or greater.
  • The Graduate Record Examination (GRE) is required for all applicants. You must obtain a score of at least the 80th percentile on the quantitative section, and at least 3.5 in analytical writing See also the following webpage for details.…

-Degree requirements

6) What does it take to get a master's degree in electrical engineering (MSEE)?
7) What does it take to get a master's degree in software engineering (MSSE)?
7-2) What does it take to get a master's degree in computer science (MCIS, CS track)?
8) What does it take to earn a doctoral degree (DRE)?

8-2) Can I get a graduate degree while working full-time?

6) What does it take to get a master's degree in electrical engineering (MSEE)?

  • Thesis option: 24 credit hours of coursework and 6 credit hours of thesis.
  • Non‐thesis option: 32 credit hours of coursework.

7) What does it take to get a master's degree in software engineering (MSSE)?

  • Thesis option: 28 credit hours of coursework and 6 credit hours of thesis.
  • Non‐thesis option: 32 credit hours of coursework and 4 credit hours of project work.

7-2) What does it take to get a master's degree in computer science (MCIS, CS track)?

  • Thesis option: 26 credit hours of coursework and 6 credit hours of thesis.
  • Non‐thesis option: 32 credit hours of coursework.

8) What does it take to earn a doctoral degree (DRE)?

  • All doctoral students must meet the following requirements:
    • You must earn at least 90 credit hours beyond your bachelor's degree.
    • You must complete at least 30 credit hours of dissertation credits.
    • You must pass a qualifying exam covering fundamental math and engineering topics.
    • You must pass a candidacy exam to propose and defend your planned doctoral research.
    • You must complete substantial, original, innovative, and independent dissertation research.
    • You must complete a written doctoral dissertation, and orally defend your dissertation.
    • You must publish your dissertation research in a peer‐reviewed journal.

8-2) Can I get a graduate degree while working full-time?

  • Yes! Most of our graduate courses start at 4:00 pm or later. Many of our students work full-time and take afternoon and evening courses. In addition, many companies pay for their employees' tuition. Your graduate advisor will work with you to design a plan of study which maintains high academic standards while still allowing you to meet work and family obligations.

-Tuition, Assistantships

9) How much is tuition?
10) Do you offer financial aid? How do I apply for financial aid?

11) What are some of the professor's research areas?

9) How much is tuition?

  • For the most up to date information, please refer to this page
  • For the 2018/2019 academic year, the tuitions are
    • $545.45 per credit hour for Ohio residents (master's and doctoral student).
    • $932.30 per credit hour for non-resident domestic master's students.
    • $1,029.00 per credit hour for international master's students.
    • $787.25 per credit hour for non-resident and international doctoral students.

10) Do you offer financial aid? How do I apply for financial aid?  

  • Although we cannot give financial aid to every qualified student, many students receive financial aid. Students receiving aid must meet minimum enrollment requirements. Doctoral students are given preference for financial aid.
    • Partial or full tuition waivers.
    • Graduate assistantships, typically paid from a professor's research grant.
    • Hourly employment as a teaching or research assistant.
  • There is no separate application for financial aid. All admitted students are automatically considered for financial aid. For research assistantships, students should contact professors whose research they are interested in.

11) What are some of the professor's research areas?

  • Computer science
    • Artificial intelligence, autonomous robots, cyber physical systems
    • Data analysis, machine learning, big data processing
    • Cyber security, cloud computing, computer vision, parallel and distributed computing
  • Computer engineering
    • Digital electronics, embedded systems, computer architecture, and computer networks
    • Mobile and fault-tolerant computing, and computer and network security
    • Wireless networks, sensor networks
  • Control systems
    • Micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS), and bioelectronics
    • Robust control, optimal control, and computer intelligence
  • Communication systems
    • Robust communications, spread spectrum techniques, and modulation and coding schemes
  • Power electronics and power systems
    • Electric machines and drives, and high power electronics
    • Power system operation and control
  • Software engineering
    • Component-oriented systems, software quality, software design, design patterns

-Thesis, OPT/CPT, Graduation, Independent Study

12) Thesis
13) Who can apply for OPT/CPT?
14) Internships
15) How to apply for graduation?
16) Independent Study & Special Topics

12) Thesis

  • Find a faculty member of the ECE department who is willing to be your guide for the thesis. You and the faculty member should agree on the scope and deliverables for the thesis.
  • The thesis form is available from the Graduate College or by selecting the link below. You should complete this form in consultation with your thesis advisor. The completion of the form requires you and your advisor to form a thesis committee.
  • Submit the completed form to the department office for approval by the Chair before it is submitted for the graduate college approval. Once these approvals are in place, the necessary permission will be given by the ECE department office to register for EEC 699 or CIS 699.
  • Once your thesis defense is completed, request your advisor to submit a grade to the department Chair.
  • Please consult the Graduate College for more details about the thesis procedure.
  • Download the Thesis Form.
  • If you choose the Thesis Option, you will need less number of electives including the analytical course. You should register for EEC 699 or CIS 699 under the supervision of a faculty member as described above. You will need to pass the Final Oral Defense conducted by a Thesis Committee before a grade can be assigned.
  • A quick review of the submission process to assist students is available. At-A-Glance Submission Reminder for Thesis . For more in-depth instructions, visit the graduate college's web page on thesis format guidelines.

13) Who can apply for OPT/CPT?

14) Internships

  • If you are considering registering for an internship, you must do the following before you can register:
  • Have an offer letter from a company or organization showing the scope of the work to be completed. You can (and should) register with Career Services since they maintain a database of prospective employers looking for interns and new recruits. You should also consult the bulletin board near the ECE department office where employer requests are posted as received.
  • In order to be eligible for internships, you must have completed at least 20 hours of course work from your MCIS program or at least one full time academic year from your MSEE, MSSE, or DRE program, not including any preparatory courses. You must also be in good academic standing. Undergraduate students should consult an advisor.
  • Complete FORM A and submit those to the department office at the start of the internship along with a copy of your offer letter. Once this form is approved, you will be given permission to register for the internship course.
  • Complete FORM B and return the form to the department office at the conclusion of the internship along with a short report detailing the experience gained and the skills acquired. This form must be submitted in time to receive a grade for the internship course.
  • Please note that students who select the Internship Option are required to complete at least one credit of EEC 602 or CIS 690 in addition to the minimum credit hours required for the corresponding graduate program.

To download professional internship form click here.

15) How to apply for graduation?

  • Complete Program of Study form and submit it to the ECE department.
  • Graduation application forms can be found at Campus 411.
  • Complete the form and pay the fee at the Bursar's Office.
  • Attach the receipt to the graduation application form.
  • Submit the form to the registrar's office.

16) Independent Study (CIS 698 or EEC 696/796)

  • No more than a total of three credit hours of Independent Study can be counted towards an ECE graduate degree.
  • You must do the following before you can register for an independent study:
    • Find a faculty member who will be willing to be your guide in the independent study project. You and the faculty member should agree on the scope and deliverables for the independent study.
    • Write a proposal for the independent study. The proposal must contain the objective of the study, reference material to be used, assignment and activities to be completed, timeline and deliverables. Evaluation criteria must also be spelled out.
    • Fill out the Independent Study Form.  Complete the form, and get it approved by the faculty member guiding your project. Do not forget to attach your proposal.
    • Submit the form to the department office for approval. Once your proposal is approved, your name will be added to the permission list enabling you to register for the course.
  • Complete the project and request your guide to send a grade to the department chair.

To download independent study form click here.

-Petitions/Grade dispute, Program Transfer, Credit by Exam

17) Petition and Grade dispute
18) Credit transfer
19) Program Transfer
20) Credit by Exam


17) Petition

  • If your Petition request involves a course in which you are currently enrolled or have previously taken, an instructor's statement must be provided. If your request is due to extenuating circumstances (i.e., medical issues for you or a family member, death, work related, financial, etc.) a dated and signed statement from the appropriate professional (attorney,doctor, dentist, employer, etc.) on official letterhead paper must accompany the petition. DO NOT indicate "Available upon request".
  • Degree-seeking, Certificate and Licensure graduate students should submit their petition with the instructor's statement (if required) along with supporting materials to their faculty advisor for processing at the departmental level prior to review by the Graduate College Petitions Committee.
  • Non-Degree graduate students should submit their completed petition with an instructor's statement (if required) and any supporting materials to the College of Graduate Studies. Faculty advisor and Program Committee recommendations are not required. For an academically dismissed Non-Degree Student seeking readmission after one calendar year (12 months) has elapsed, or seeking early readmission before one year has elapsed from the time of dismissal, a recommendation from the Director of the Graduate Program in which the student wishes to take classes is required before action will be taken by the Graduate College Petitions Committee. Please be advised that the University Graduate Council has determined that poor academic performance on a midterm examination or on other course requirements does not constitute sufficient grounds for granting a student a late withdrawal from a course.
  • The Graduate Student Petition Form must be completed and signed by the student and then forwarded to the instructor and/or the department with the necessary/supporting documentation.
  • Use the University petition form for, for example, Restoration of university catalog rights.
  • Use the College petition form (menu on the right of this page) for, for example, Late add and Readmission after suspension.
  • Use the Grade Dispute Form (menu on the right of this page) for disputing the grade. It should only be used only after the student has talked with the instructor of the graded course in dispute.

18) Credit transfer

  • Transfer credit evaluation: Use this form (menu on the right of this page)  
  • If you are requesting that a course or courses taken at another college or university are acceptable to satisfy a requirement for either your major or other Washkewicz College of Engineering requirement. Another process is in place for university requirements so consult your advisor of record for that process. Just because you have submitted a course is not a guarantee that it is equivalent.

19) Program Transfer

  • A student who has been admitted to a graduate degree program at Cleveland State University may request to transfer to another CSU graduate program. The student should meet with his/her current graduate advisor, current graduate program director, and the graduate program director of the "new" graduate degree program, before submitting the Program Transfer Request Form.
  • After consulting his/her advisor the student should complete the boxed portion of the form and submit the form to the appropriate office, (U.S. Citizens and Permanent Residents of the U.S. to Graduate Admissions Office, Rhodes Tower West and International Students to CISP) respectively.
  • For those who wish to transfer among MSEE (electrical engineering), MSSE (software engineering), and MCIS (computer science track), students are advised to take courses in the admitted program in their first semester. The transfer request will only be reviewed afterwards.

20) Credit by Exam

  • Students can obtain credit for the preparatory courses by taking an examination with the permission of the ECE Graduate Program Committee (GPC). Exams will be offered the week before fall and spring semester each year. The credit by exam fee must be paid and the Graduate Credit by Examination form must be submitted to the GPC at least two weeks before the first day of class. An exam can be attempted only once per course.


-Whom should I contact if I need more information?

Mailing Address
Cleveland State University, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
2121 Euclid Ave., FH 332
Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2214

Campus Location
Fenn Hall Room 332
1960 East 24th Street
Phone: 216.687.2589
Fax: 216.687.5405