IEEE-HKN and SWE seminar with the topic of "Women in Engineering, You Can Do it!"

Dr. Lili Dong had invited Dr. Margaret Nozario to give a presentation entitled "Women in Engineering, You Can Do It!" on Oct. 26 at CSU. This was a joint event among IEEE Control Systems Society, IEEE-HKN, and Society of Women Engineers at Cleveland State University. Dr. Nozario discussed her scholastic choices, her career path, and employment experiences as a female in a male-dominated field. She provided advice to engineering students to help them successfully complete school in order to pursue an exciting and fulfilling career in engineering. The event promoted women engineers, inspired the CSU students to follow their academic interests in a career in engineering, and strengthened the networking and collaborations of college students with diverse backgrounds. 

Profs. Ye Zhu and Haodong Wang received a grant of $299,977 from NSF Wang.jpg Drs. Ye Zhu and Haodong Wang received a grant of $299,977 from NSF for support of the project, entitled "Game-Based Cyber Security Education on Anonymous Communication."   08/01/2018
Prof. Hongxing Ye received $80,000 from MISO ye-profile2.png Dr. Hongxing Ye Attracts Industry Funding for Energy Research - Dr. Ye has received $80,000 from the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) for a project titled "Data-driven approach to building watch list of security constraint." Dr. Ye's research focuses on improving the reliability and fairness of the electricity market as variable energy resources (VERs), such as solar and wind, become more prevalent in the power generation landscape.    08/01/2018
Prof. Dan Simon's research to develop a pediatric exoskeleton is the focus of this month's Featured Research Video  DanResearch400.png Dr. Dan Simon Helps Impaired Children Walk Again - Research to develop a pediatric exoskeleton is the focus of this month's Featured Research Video. Dr. Sawicki and Dr. Simon are collaborating with Parker Hannifin and the Cleveland Clinic to develop a pediatric exoskeleton, which could provide much-needed therapy and restored walking ability for children with cerebral palsy. Click here to watch.   07/27/2018
Prof. Lili Dong receives the Distinguished Faculty Award Lili Dong.jpg Dr. Lili Dong receives the Distinguished Faculty Award for Teaching this year! That is truly a distinct honor and very well deserved.    06/18/2018
Profs. Ye Zhu and Siu-Tung Yau were awarded technology commercialization funding by the TeCK Fund yau.jpg Dr. Ye Zhu and Dr. Siu-Tung Yau were awarded technology commercialization funding by the TeCK Fund. The TeCK Fund is managed by CSU and partner Kent State University (KSU), and provides faculty and startup companies with up to $100,000 to assist with commercialization activities. Dr. Siu-Tung Yau received funding to move his invention, A Culture-Free Platform for Rapid Diagnosis of Infections, toward market readiness. The technology has been patented and will be used to provide hospital labs with a new platform for rapidly diagnosing bloodstream infections and urinary tract infections. Dr. Ye Zhu received funding to commercially develop his technology, Graphic GameBased User Authentication Schemes for Mobile Devices. Dr. Zhu's technology has been funded by the NSF and has patents pending.   04/06/2018

HKN Induction Ceremony


HKN student officers and Dr. Lili Dong successfully organized the annual HKN induction ceremony on April 6, 2018. Fourteen students were inducted to be the HKN members. The initiates and their families joined the event and the reception dinner. 


IEEE CSS seminar with topic of "Insulation Fault Detection in Buried Power Cables: A Feedback Control Application"


Dr. Lili Dong organized an IEEE CSS seminar on April 5, 2018. It was a joint event between IEEE Control Systems Society and IEEE HKN, Epsilon Alpha Chapter. There were 52 attendees including CSU faculty and students, the students from Case Western Reserve University, and the engineers from local industry. Dr. Robert Veillette from the University of Akron gave a presentation entitled as "Insulation Fault Detection in Buried Power Cables: A Feedback Control Application". The event successfully promotes the networking between academic researchers and industrial practitioners, and enhances students' learning beyond the classroom.    03/31/2018

Congratulations to Donald Ebeigbe for receiving the CSU Graduate Student Research Award

Doctoral candidate Donald Ebeigbe has received a $4,000 award from the Office of Research for his project "Control of Rigid Robots with Large Uncertainties." Donald's research objective is to improve the state-of-the-art in robot control theory, especially in cases when the robot model cannot be derived. His new control development could enhance the control of robots by guaranteeing desired performance over a range of system uncertainties or disturbances. Donald's award will provide him with funds for salary, conference travel, and equipment.


Congratulations to Saman Khademi for receiving the CSU Graduate Student Research Award

Doctoral candidate Saman Khademi has received a $4,000 award from the Office of Research for his project "Environmentally Aware User Intent Recognition of Amputees with Lower-Limb Prostheses Using Deep Learning." Seamless user-prosthesis interaction is an important challenge in above-knee powered prostheses. Saman's research objective is to develop deep learning approaches that can fuse non-invasive user-aware and environmentally aware sensors. Saman's research could enable powered prosthesis function to approach the robustness, safety, and performance levels of the natural human leg. Saman's award will provide him with funds for salary, conference travel, and equipment.



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Cleveland State University, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
2121 Euclid Ave., FH 332
Cleveland, Ohio 44115-2214

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Phone: 216.687.2589
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