Cleveland State University: Fall 2015 Commencement Ceremony
One hundred twenty seven ECE students received university degrees at the 2015 Commencement Ceremony at the Bert L. and Iris S. Wolstein on December 13, 2015. They are 81 graduate (1 DRE, 13 MCIS, 63 MSEE, and 4 MSSE) and 46 undergraduate students (23 BSCIS, 14 BEE and 9 BCE). Nine ECE faculty attended the ceremony to celebrate their achievements. Congratulations!
ECE faculty and staff Holiday season meeting
ECE faculty and staff shared achievements and photos celebrating the Holiday season on December 11, 2015 at the Fenn Tower Ballroom along with Dean Karlsson and our guests, Dr John Donoghue, Ms Adrienne Fox, and Ms Jan Basch. Two special guests also attended the meeting - Drs. James Burghart and Allan Warren. Dr. Burghart assumed the Chair of the EE Department in 1975 and Dr. Warren was the first Chair of the CIS Department in 1971.
Graduate Student Awards for the 2015/16
Two of our graduate students, Dr. Hua Chai and Mr. George Thomas, receive the inaugural Graduate Student Awards for the 2015/16 academic year. Out of five eligible categories, our students got two awards! Dr. Chai (DRE in Fall 14, Advisor: Dr. Zhao) receives the Dissertation award in Natural science, Engineering and Mathematics. Mr. George Thomas (MSEE in May 14, Advisor: Dr. Simon) receives the Thesis award in Natural science, Engineering and Mathematics. Congratulations to Dr. Chai and Mr. Thomas as well their advisors, Drs. Wenbing Zhao and Dan Simon! See here for details.
Senior design project
Fourteen including three multi-disciplinary projects (with mechanical engineering) have been presented at the conclusion of EEC 493 Senior design project course. Industry sponsors are Cleveland Historical Society, FirstEnergy, Eaton, Channel Products, Orbital Research, STERIS, Rockwell Automation, Lumitex, National Science Foundation and Parker Hannifin. Please see here for details.
IEEE SPAx event
Prof. Alexander organized an IEEE SPAx event. There were two interesting talks by John Paserba and Al Rosa on Career and Lifelong Learning. Please see here for details.
Cleveland Big Data and Hadoop event
Prof. Sunnie Chung hosted Cleveland Big Data and Hadoop event at Fenn Tower Ballroom. It was a huge turn out with 226 people attended from Academia and industry. The program included presentations from the IBM Watson research team and the Data Analytics teams from Explorys IBM and Progressive. Several CSU faculty and our graduate students of the Data Analytic classes from Engineering and Business College also attended the event. Please click here to know more details about the group.
IEEE HKN seminar
Prof. Lili Dong helped host a seminar organized by IEEE HKN. There were 72 people who attended the seminar. Dr. Eric Schearer was the speaker. His talk was about Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES), which is a promising technology for restoring lost function to people with high spinal cord injuries. Machine learning has begun to show promise in solving some of these flexible control problems for robots. This presentation focuses on the use of machine learning for flexible control of paralyzed human arms. See here for details.
Congratulations to team "Euclid"
Three ECE students, Michael D'Arcy, Andrew Gunnerson and Mark Thorn, did a fantastic job at the 2015 ACM Programming Contest held in Youngstown State University. The CSU team, called "Euclid", was ranked at 27th place among 130 teams. They tried 5 out of 9 problems and successfully solved 3. This performance tied our record 3 years ago. Here is the score board: See here for more details
Research Day 2015
Washkewicz College of Engineering held Research Day 2015 on October 30 in the Student Center Ballroom to showcase the cutting-edge research performed by the College’s students and faculty. The keynote speaker was Dr. Rickey Shyne, Director of Research and Engineering at NASA-Glenn Research Center. ECE presented 16 posters. Please click here for details.
Seminar - Computations by Oblivious Mobile Robots
Prof. Gokarna Sharma from Kent State University gave an invited talk. His talk is about Computations by Oblivious Mobile Robots. Please click here for details.
Senior design presentation
BEE/BCE students presented 14 senior design projects at the Senior Design Day event. They are supported and sponsored by industry partners including Parker Hannifin, Orbital Research, Channel Products, STERIS, GE Lighting, Lumitex, Eaton, FirstEnergy, Rockwell Automation, Cleveland Historical, and National Science Foundation. Thank you, seniors, for your hard work! Thank DrsBatu Chalise, Pong Chu, Lili Dong, Allen Morinec, Majid Rashidi, Abdul Razaque, Nigamanth Sridhar and Ana Stankovic, for advising student teams! Special thanks go to industry sponsors for their support! Please visit here for more details.
Prof. Dan Simon is recognized as the distinguished faculty at the 2015
Prof. Dan Simon is recognized as the distinguished faculty at the 2015 President's Convocation. Congratulations to distinguished faculty & staff including Dr. Simon!
Prof. Gao's patented technology enables the CSU spin-off company, LineStream Technologies, to make a $1.5M commercialization partnership with global conglomerate Danfoss, Inc. Prof. Gao's motion control technology has applications in multiple fields, including motor control and factory automation. Danfoss provides state-of-the-art hardware across a broad range of applications, including motor drives, compressors, pumps, and industrial automation equipment. See here for details.
Prof. Dan Simon received an NSF award
Prof. Dan Simon receives an research award from National Science Foundation along with Hanz Richter (Mechanical), Kenneth E. Sparks (Health and Human Performance), and Antonie J. van den Bogert (Mechanical). This project is entitled "Cyber-Enabled Repetitive Motions in Rehabilitation" and the amount of funding is $800k for four years. Congratulations! ECE now has 7 active NSF awards of $3.8M!
Senior design projects Kick-off meeting
Fourteen Senior design projects have been launched at the Kick-off meeting on September 11. Mr. Criag Maxwell, Vice President of Innovation and Technology at Parker Hannifin Corporation, gave a keynote speach at the event. Fifty one ECE seniors begin a year-long journey with the support by faculty advisors and industry liaison from Parker Hannifin, Eaton, Cleveland Historical, First Energy, GE Lighting, Lumitex, Channel Products, NSF, Orbital Research, STERIS, and Rockwell Automation. Please click here for details.
Senior Design Kickoff Meeting
Senior Design Kickoff meeting with luncheon will be held on Friday, September 11 from 11:30 am – 1:00 pm at CSU Student Center Ballroom (3rd Floor). Mr. Craig Maxwell, Vice President of Innovation and Technology at Parker Hannifin Corporation, will be our featured speaker. Click here for details.
Prof. Alexander is a hosting Co-Chair of the EnergyTech 2015
Prof. Alexander is a hosting Co-Chair of the Fifth Annual Energy and Technology conference (EnergyTech 2015) which will be held on November 30 to Dec 2, 2015. Cleveland State once again welcomes a congregation of engineers, scientists, academics, government and community stakeholders. Top sponsors include INCOSE (the International Council on Systems Engineering), IEEE (the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers) and the NASA Glenn Research Center. For more details, please click here for details.
Dr. Sunnie Chung helps host the Cleveland Big Data and Hadoop User Group meetup
Dr. Sunnie Chung helps host the Cleveland Big Data and Hadoop User Group meetup on November 16, 2015 at Cleveland State University. This user group is for those interested in the distributed processing of large amounts of data, focusing heavily on the Hadoop stack. This group is industry agnostic and has a mix of classic user-group presentations as well as informative vendor sessions. Topics include networking, storage (e.g., HDFS, KeyValue storage like HBase), computation (e.g., MapReduce/YARN, graph processing), indexing/search (e.g., Solr), and analytics (e.g., Hive), among others. Please click here for details.
Prof. Pong Chu received an NSF award
Prof. Pong Chu received an NSF award for his project entitled "A Spiral Computer Engineering Lab Framework." Dr. Chu's co-investigators are Drs. Chansu Yu and Karla Hamlen (Education). Click here for details.
Prof. Simon has been appointed Interim Associate Vice President for Research
Prof. Simon has been appointed Interim Associate Vice President for Research. Dr. Simon is an accomplished researcher, teacher, and mentor of graduate students and he recently received the CSU 2015 Distinguished Faculty Award for Research. In his new role, he will serve as liaison between the Office of Research and scholarly and creative activities across the University. He will work with the vice president for research, as well as faculty, staff, and students to enhance the University's scholarly productivity and to improve the research environment. Click here for more details.
Prof. Gao gave a talk on a Plenary session at the 10th International Workshop on RoMoCo'15 in Poznan, Poland
Prof. Gao gave a talk on a Plenary session at the 10th International Workshop on Robot Motion and Control (RoMoCo'15) in Poznan, Poland. His talk title is Active Disturbance Rejection Control – From an Enduring Idea to an Emerging RoMoCo Technology. Please click here for details.
Cleveland [R]IoT Happy Hour Even
Two undergraduate students, Abou-Baker Fofana and Connor Gordon, demonstrated their summer project at Cleveland [R]IoT (Realizing Internet of Things) Happy Hour Event held at the Music Box Supper Club in the Flats. The project is entitled "Human Motion Tracking" and the main goal is to track consenting users in the Kinect sensor view and to provide them real-time haptic feedback based on their actions. The demo system consists of a smartwatch, a smartphone and a server. More than two hundreds from local industry and academia attended and there were about 20 demonstrations. Please click here for details.
Virus and Bacteria Detection
Prof. Siu-Tung Yau and Technology Transfer Office has been approached by an early stage company interested in licensing a virus and bacteria detection technology invented by Dr. Yau. Click here for details.
2015 Summer Research Projects
Summer research students, 6 undergraduate and 11 graduate students, presented their projects and shared ideas. They are supported by CSU Research Office, ECE Department, or individual faculty's research grants. Click here for 1-page summaries of all those 19 projects.
Distinguished Faculty Award for Research
Prof. Dan Simon has been selected as the recipient of the 2015 Distinguished faculty Award for Research. This is a distinct honor and is given to faculty members who made a significant contribution to the academic mission of Cleveland State University. We're really proud of the fact that ECE has received 2 of the past 3 distinguished research awards!
Prof. Pong Chu received an NSF award
Prof. Pong Chu received an NSF award for his project proposal entitled "A Spiral Computer Engineering Lab Framework," with Drs. Chansu Yu and Karla Mansour (Education) as co-PIs. This award is expected to total $245,373 and starts July 1 , 2015 and ends June 30, 2018.
Prof. Lili Dong visited Cubbisson
Prof. Lili Dong and her two doctoral students visited Cubbisson and their 3D America Makes Center in Youngstown, OH for future collaborations on 3D electronics printing.
Prof. Wenbing Zhao's invention has been approved by the Patent Review Committee
Prof. Wenbing Zhao's invention titled "Discriminative Human Motion Tracking" has been approved by the Patent Review Committee to proceed for a provisional patent application filing. This invention is the underlying technology for a $246,000 study awarded from the Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation to evaluate and track patient handling techniques of health care workers. Please click here for details.
Prof. Pong Chu's new book
Prof. Pong Chu's new book, "Embedded SoPC Design with Nios II Processor and Verilog Examples," has been published in China. Please see this link for details.
CSU has been selected to host the 2016 IEEE Region 2 Student Activities Conference
Cleveland State University has been selected to host the 2016 IEEE Region 2 Student Activities Conference on April 8-10, 2016. Congratulations! This is a great accomplishment and represents the hard work of a great team of people within the Washkewicz College of Engineering.
New HKN officers have been elected for the coming academic year
New HKN officers have been elected for the coming academic year. Congratulations! And thank Prof. Lili Dong for her role as an advisor for HKN!
President : Michael J Cole
Vice President : Yang Zhao
Treasurer : Mallory Bartolovich
Recording Secretary : Prasanth Kandula
Corresponding Secretary: Emily Edwards
News Correspondent: Kevin Michael Miller
Presidential Assistant : Jamal Odeh
Outstanding Faculty Award
Graduating seniors voted on outstanding faculty organzied by HKN and Michael J. Cole, President of IEEE-HKN Epsilon Alpha. The results are: Dr. Pong Chu and Zhiqiang Gao as the 2015 Outstanding Faculty Award in Computer Engineering and Electrical Engineering, respectively. Congratulations!
Spring 2015 Commencement Ceremonies
Cleveland State University's Spring 2015 Commencement ceremonies took place on Saturday, May 9, 2015 in the Bert L. and Iris S. Wolstein Center. The ECE department produced 240 graduates (33 BEE, 20 BCE, 29 BSCIS, 116 MSEE, 14 MSSE, 25 MCIS, 3 DRE) including those graduated in Winter 2014. We honor your academic achievement!
2015 Class Valedictorian
Our BCE student, Sarah Watkins, is the Spring Commencement valedictorian. Sarah is graduating Summa Cum Laude from the honors program in Computer Engineering. She is a member of the physics honor society Tau Beta Pi and has twice earned the Engineering Student Enrichment Program award. In addition to her exceptional academic record, she frequently volunteers as a science tutor, including at Campus International School, and she has been a youth group mentor and camp counselor at the Church in Cleveland. Please join me in congratulating Sarah!
New CSU IEEE Officers have been elected for the 2015-2016 academic year.
New CSU IEEE Officers have been elected for the 2015-2016 academic year.
Co-Chairs: John Sarrouh and Gianfranco Trovato
Secretary: Brandon Rutledge
Treasurer: Emily Edwards
Vice-Chair: Alex Snyder
Faculty adviser: Charles Alexander
Congrats to the new officers!
Merge of Computer Science programs to ECE
University approved the merge of Computer Science programs to ECE! Now the department name changes to Electrical engineering and computer science (ECE). Please welcome eight excellent faculty - Drs. Tim Arndt, Ben Blake, Vijay Konanji, Mike Lin, Victor Matos, Sanchita Mal-Sarkar, Janche Sang, and Haodong Wang!
Best Project Award Competition for Senior Design Projects Spring 2015
The 1st Prize goes to our Senior Design Project Team, Michael Conroy, Sedrick Bolden and Alex Resendes, at the Best Project Award Competition for Senior Design Projects Spring 2015. This project is entitled Wireless Water Monitoring Sensor Network and is sponsored by Cleveland Metroparks. Patrick Lorch at Metroparks has given a lot of support and Zhiqiang Gao was the faculty advisor. Congratulations! You can find their poster here.
Senior Design Day
Fifty eight BEE/BCE students presented 15 senior design projects at the Senior Design Day event. They are supported and sponsored by industry partners including DS Express, First Power, Los Alamos National Lab, Metropark, NASA, Parker Hannifin, Rockwell, SMS Meer, and Virtec. Thank you, seniors, for your hard work! Thank Drs. Pong Chu, Zhiqiang Gao and Ana Stankovic, for advising student teams! Special thanks go to industry sponsors for their support! Please visit here for their final project posters.
CSU IEEE Student Branch holds first place with a total of 44 SPAx events
CSU IEEE Student Branch holds first place with a total of 44 SPAx (Student Professional Awareness Experience, events with the help from Jim Watson, IEEE SPA Support Coordinator. There are 531 IEEE Student Branches in the USA. A total of 1,243 SPAx have been completed by 293 Student Branches. Second place is held by Texas Tech with a total of 26 events. In addition to the list of SPAx events, CSU IEEE Student Branch held several social and other activities for the benefit of CSU students. Congratulations to the 2014-2015 officers and all the many volunteers who made this an outstanding year of successful activities.
Profs. F. Eugenio Villaseca and Fuqin Xiong and Ms. Adrienne Fox are retiring this year
Profs. F. Eugenio Villaseca and Fuqin Xiong and Ms. Adrienne Fox are retiring this year. They served for thirty four years, twenty five years and twenty eight years, respectively. Former students, Drs. Bharat Vyakaranam, Song Cui and Arafat Al-Dweik sent retirement wishes for them. Wishing them the best on their life after this retirement. We'll miss you! (In the picture, from top-left clockwise, Lili Dong, Murad Hizlan, Fuqin Xiong, Chuck Alexander, Eugenio Villaseca, Adrienne Fox, Ana Stankovic, Jim Burghart, Pong Chu, Lydia Demjanczuk, Zhiqiang Gao, John Donoghue, Nigamanth Sridhar, Dan Simon, and Chansu Yu. Jan Basch, where are you?)
HKN Initiation Ceremony
Prof. Lili Dong led the HKN initiation ceremony. A record high number of 36 students were inducted this year. The HKN student officers Michael Cole and Igor Rutkovskiy, and HKN member Christine Bocci helped with inducting new members and setting up the Compton Lounge.
ECE faculty and student team won the 1st Annual Faculty vs Students Charity Volleyball Tournament
Our ECE faculty and student team won the 1st Annual Faculty vs Students Charity Volleyball Tournament, which was organized by the Society of Women Engineers (SWE). The ECE team consist of Zhiqiang Gao, Joanie Hundt, Bryan Hundt, Prasanth Kandula, Alchil Reddy, and Rolith. Congratulations!
HKN induction ceremony on April 24
Prof. Lili Dong, the faculty advisor of IEEE-HKN honor society, will lead the HKN induction ceremony on April 24. IEEE-HKN (Eta Kappa Nu) is recognized around the globe as the honor society that represents the highest values of our profession. Candidates are invited to join based on their academic ranking, their character and attitude. HKN president and secretary are Michael Chukwuonye and Michael Cole, respectively.
Field trip to Eaton’s Power Systems Experience Center
Our BEE students had a field trip to the Eaton Power Systems Experience Center ( in Pittsburgh. Eleven students and Profs. Villaseca and Yu participated. There was a discussion on co-op and senior design project opportunities.
Order of the Engineer and Awards Ceremony
Eleven Electrical Engineering and Computer Science students received an award at the Order of the Engineer and Awards Ceremony on Thursday, April 9 at 5:30pm in the Fenn Tower Ballroom. They are Emily Nemeth, Matthew Winiasz, Sarah Watkins, Marie Blatnik, Christopher Isabella, Christine Bocci, Evan Dispenza, Antionio Guglielmi, Adam Zimmerman, Eric Payne, and John Schultz. Also, many BEE/BCE students will be taking the Oath for the Order of the Engineer and will be receiving their Steel Rings. Congratulations!
Prof. Dong welcomes visitors to AEMF
Prof. Lili Dong and her students had visitors to get to know about our advanced electronic manufacturing facility. They include Tim Fahey, Beth Elliot, Heidi Longaberger (TeamNeo), Tim Bruening (LCCC), and Terri Sandu (EII).
Prof. Lili Dong joins Dr. Aaron Collins, one of the national speakers in the IEEE SPAX program, to present on "Lessons Learned as a Female Engineer" at 6PM, March 25, 2015 in the Foxes Den. Our Student Branch of the IEEE is sponsoring an IEEE SPAX. Dr. Aaron Collins will present "Professional Development Through Advanced Degrees."
Field trip to Eaton’s Power Systems Experience Center
Profs. Stankovic and Villaseca and our students are invited for a field trip to Eaton’s Power Systems Experience Center, a full-scale laboratory and demonstration facility near Pittsburgh on April 10. See the latest advances in electrical power quality, energy management and safety; participate in live demonstrations and learn more about power management from Eaton experts. We will also learn more about an Eaton-sponsored Senior Design project related to the Center that will begin this Fall.
Advanced training on the top-of-the-line 3D Electronics Printers
Prof. Lili Dong and her students went through the advanced training on the top-of-the-line 3D Electronics Printers, AJ-200 from Optomec, supported by the State of Ohio. In the picture, from right, DRE student Yang Zhao, Optomec engineer Dr. Kurt Christenson, DRE student Prasanth Kandula, Dr. Dong and AJ-200. Note that 3D electronics printing is predicted by as one of IEEE's Top 10 Technologies that could change the World by 2022.
Control of Human Movement: from Physiology to Engineering
Cleveland Section of IEEE Control Systems Society, HKN Epsilon Alpha Chapter of Cleveland State and IEEE Student Chapter of Cleveland State will jointly present an academic seminar on "Control of Human Movement: from Physiology to Engineering" on April 3, 2015. The speaker is Dr. Antonie J. (Ton) van den Bogert. See this flyer for details.
2015 Undergraduate Summer Research Award
Profs. Chu, Simon, Zhao, and Zhu received a 2015 Undergraduate Summer Research Award from CSU Office of Research. Their projects are "Integrating an Android Device into Embedded Computer Systems" (Chu), "Humanoid Robot Vision and Control" (Simon), "Towards Safer Patient Handling among Workers in Nursing Homes" (Zhao) and "On Security and Privacy of 4G Communications" (Zhu). Fifty eight proposals were submitted and thirty six were funded. ECE takes more than ten percentage of the awards. Congratulations! And apply for the four summer research experience!
IEEE-HKN has new leadership
IEEE-HKN has new leadership: Advisor Prof. Dong, President and Treasurer Michael Chukwuonye and Vice President Igor Rutkovskiy. IEEE-HKN (Eta Kappa Nu) is the student honor society of IEEE and is dedicated to encouraging and recognizing excellence in the IEEE-designated fields of interest. Please see for details.
Prof. Zhu visits Iowa State University
Prof. Zhu (on the left) visits Prof. Yong Guan (on the right), Iowa State University, to explore collaborative research on security and privacy of VoIP.
William Henry Clay Compton, Jr., age 98, passed away, Feb. 25, 2015
Our alum, award-winning philatelist, industrialist, CSU benefactor, William Henry Clay Compton, Jr. (February 16, 1917 - February 25, 2015) passed away Wednesday morning at 98 years of age in Strongsville. Compton graduated from Fenn College in 1941 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering. He took a full-time job at Reliance Electric and then he started his own company, called The Wood Compton Company, in 1952. In 1982, he founded the Engineering Student Enrichment Program (ESEP) at CSU, a program that provides extra activities for engineering students. By 1997, more than 5,000 students had benefited from the program, for which Compton provided major financial support, directly and through the Annual Monte Carlo Fun Night. On June 15, 1997, he was awarded an honorary Doctor of Science degree by CSU.
Prof. Zhao receives a grant award
Prof. Zhao receives a grant award from Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation via the Ohio Occupational Safety and Health Research Program. The project is entitled “Safe Patient Handling among STNA’s in Nursing Homes: Compliance, Monitoring, and Continuous Quality Improvement of Best Practices.” He collaborates with Profs. Glenn Goodman, Beth Ekelman, Deborah Espy, and Ann Reinthal from School of Health Science and Prof. Joan Niederriter from School of Nursing as well as external partners such as Alma Abrams, Colleen Lavelle, Susan LoDolce, Alison Salopek (Jennings Center for Older Adults), and Steven Vojtko (Health and Occupational Prevention Solutions).
Prof. Gao welcomes visitors to CACT
Prof. Gao welcomes visitors to CACT (Center for Advanced Control Technologies). They are here to learn the latest in the ADRC research at CACT and to explore mutual interests. From the left, Han Zhang (DRE student), Prof. Gao, Gregg Calhoun (research staff), Li Sun (visiting doctoral student from Tsinghua University, China), Rafal Madonski (visiting doctoral student from Poznan University, Poland), and Prof. Ronghui Li (visiting scholar from Dalian Maritime University, China). The work at CACT is being noticed around the world in both industry and academia, thanks to the recent adoption by Texas Instruments and Freescale, two induCleveland State University: Fall 2015 Commencement Ceremonystry giants.
Prof. Gao has been invited to deliver a plenary talk at the 10th International Workshop on Robot Motion and Control (RoMoCo)
Prof. Gao has been invited to deliver a plenary talk at the 10th International Workshop on Robot Motion and Control (RoMoCo), co-sponsored by IEEE and IFAC, which will be held on July 6-8, 2015 in Poland. Dr. Gao will speak about Active Disturbance Rejection Control – From an Enduring Idea to an Emerging RoMoCo Technology. See this conference webpage for details.
National Engineers Week event
Prof. Alexander will present a webinar "Thorium, the Key to All Our Energy Needs in the 21st Century," at 9 EST on Thursday, March 19th, invited by DUO- IEEE student branch as a National Engineers Week event (see attached file).
ECE ranks among the top 100 universities in the United States for research and development in fiscal year 2013
ECE ranks among the top 100 universities in the United States for research and development in fiscal year 2013, according to the NSF's Higher Education Research and Development Survey, released last week (link - The NSF’s Higher Education Research and Development Survey is the primary source of information on R&D expenditures at higher-education institutions. Overall, Cleveland State University ranks at No. 174 (link - and College of Engineering ranks at No. 129.
Engineering A Day event
Profs. Gao and Chu hosted visitors as an Engineering A Day event.
Multiple Faculty Positions in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
The Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science invites applications for multiple faculty positions in Computer Science and Electrical Engineering. The positions will all begin in August 2015. The department is the largest in the Washkewicz College of Engineering, with over 400 undergraduate students and over 250 graduate students. Current research areas include: Embedded systems, Human motion and control, Mobile computing, Network security and privacy, Programming languages, Software engineering, and Wireless sensor networks. We expect faculty to engage students at all levels in their research.
- Tenure track assistant/associate professor in computer science
- Visiting professor in computer science or electrical engineering
- Two lecturers in computer science or electrical engineering
To apply for these positions, please go to
CSU chapter of IEEE, organized Vex Robotics Competition
Our student organization, CSU chapter of IEEE, organized Vex Robotics Competition at Cleveland State University’s Wolstein Center with robots designed and built by more than 40 teams of Northeast Ohio high school students. Please see link for details.
New graduate students orientation session
Prof. Zhao led an orientation session for new graduate students to the department. There are about 70 new students and 50 were attended the session. Welcome!
Dr. Steve G. Belovich, our alumni and CEO of IQware Solutions, will speak at Foxes' Den on January 22 (11:30am-12:30pm) on Cyber Terrorism
Dr. Belovich will take an in-depth look at the Sony hacking scandal, why it happened, why our current security methods won’t stop future attacks, and how our IT systems need to change to win the New Cyber War. IQware makes secure, rule-based, interoperable, data mining, content management and delivery software. Dr. Belovich earned both his Master of Science and Doctoral degrees in ECE and received the College’s Distinguished Alumni Award in 2005.
Prof. Wenbing Zhao received an award from the Center for Faculty Development and Leadership
Prof. Wenbing Zhao received an award from the Center for Faculty Development and Leadership (CFD&L) in the current round of Teaching Enhancement Awards for the project entitled "Interactive Algorithm Visualization for Computer Networks”. This project will result in the following deliverables - A set of interactive visualization applications for network algorithms and protocol; A set of lab exercise instructions utilizing the visualization applications; Assessment of teaching and student learning.