Why Join AIChE?
There are multiple benefits of joining the Cleveland State University AIChE Chapter. Many members enjoy the benefits of membership of both CSU's active student chapter and AIChE national. To see our chapters benefits (such as company tours, lunches, conferences, etc.), please navigate through our chapter webpage. To inquire about AIChE National click here, or read below.
It's Free!
Chemical Engineering companies have made donations, so that undergraduate students can join AIChE National for free. This shows the value these companies place in AIChE Membership. To see the full list of corporate sponsors, click here.
As a National AIChE member you have access 24/7 to the eLibrary. The eLibrary has thousands of engineering and scientific references, handbooks, standards and databases for your use. Perry's Handbook of Chemical Engineering, to name one important reference, is electronically available.
Career Resource
As a Natioal AIChE member you have access to a career center focused solely on Chemical Engineering. A Great opportunity to get your Resumé in front of a potential employer.
Keep up to date with the latest Chemical Engineering News! AIChE is dedicated to delivering you with the latest on industry to give you the competitive edge.
Contact Us
Please feel free to contact us at our chapter email, csuohio.aiche@gmail.com, or at our office in FH 130A.
Follow us on Instagram: @aiche.csuohio